
Happy Gotcha Day Casper and Archie

Hello friends and thank you for popping by for Casper and Archie's Gotcha Day celebration!

Ben and Jimmy help celebrate their brother's Gotcha Day

Please help yourselves to food while I tell a little story.
Don't forget cake
And a niptini
Now, are we sitting comfortably?  Then I'll begin...

On February 9, 2008 I went to visit my friend Pauline who rescues cats.  She had told me there was a beautiful white cat (nine months old) that was staying with her and I had to come and see him.  Now Pauline always has cats coming and going from her house so of course I went over to visit, just like I had done on previous occasions...only this time I fell in love!!  About twenty minutes after I met Casper and was so obviously smitten, Robert looked and me and said "Do you want him?"  Of course I wanted him, but we had no carrier (I held him in my arms), no litter box, no food bowls or kitten food for him.  I said to Robert "We are completely unprepared" and he replied with a smile "Who cares?"
Casper Day One
Now, fast forward two years on to February 9, 2010.  Robert and I had just returned from visiting my brother in England and out of the blue he said to me "I think we should get another cat."  Now you must remember after Casper we got Benjamin and before Casper we already had Molly, so we were a three cat family.   He reasoned that cats make me happy so why not get another and because one never knows what life holds, it is silly to put things off.  I happily agreed with his logic so off we went to the shelter.  Young Master Archie (who was not named that at the time) sat quietly at the front of his cage and stole our hearts with his happy little ginger face.

Archie Day One
The Gotcha Boys
Baby Archie with big bro
Casper watches out for Archie
Grown up mancats
Good friends
and they lived happily ever after :-)


Sparkle said...

Happy gotcha day to two fabulous mancats!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Happy Gotcha Day to two really beautiful boys. We enjoyed reading your stories and think you couldn't have ended up in a nicer more loving home. We love it that you love each other too. Have a wonderful day boys.

Love Milo and Alfie xx
and our mom xx

Mr Puddy said...

Happy Gotcha Day Casper and Archie !!!
Oh !!! I really love your party ! The dance is awesome : ) All food are yum !!! Thank you to invite me : )


Teddy Westlife said...

Happy gotcha day boys! What a great story.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Gotcha Day to you two handsome mancats. Great party! The food is delicious.

The Monkeys said...

Happy Gotcha day to Casper and Archie!!

We think you two hit the jackpot with the awesome forever home you found!!!

We'll be over shortly with some treats to help you celebrate!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Gotcha Day Casper, Happy Gotcha Day Archie!!! I enjoyed reading your story!

SeaThreePeeO said...

What a pawsome party and a pawsome story!

Happy Gotcha Day Casper and Archie xxx

weaverpat said...

I can't imagine two kitties who are happier about being Gotcha'ed! They get so much love and kitty care, not to mention toys and kitty treats. Isn't it cool the way cats 'adopt' each other and become friends for life?
Happy Gotcha Day Casper and Archie!!!
Enjoy the feast!

AFSocksScylla said...

Oh Prince Casper I didn't know today was your special day. I shall always remember it. Happy Gotcha Day my sweet prince. ~Kisses Artemisia

Happy Gotcha Day Archie & Casper.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Happy Gotcha Day! What a very heartwarming Gotch Day story!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Awwww...Happy Gotcha Day, boys! It is so sweet when they become the friends you had hoped they would! Great photos!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Happy, happy Gotcha day to Casper and Archie and many, many more to come - we love all you boys.
Thank you for inviting us to your party - there is so much food we are spoilt for choice so maybe we will sip a nipitini while we decide what to have first.

Unknown said...

Awww . . . . such a lovely story Cat, thanks for sharing it, and gorgeous pics too. I love the one of Casper on the sofa chillin' out!

Happy Gotcha Day to Archie and Casper xx

Marg said...

A big Happy Gotcha day to you two handsome dudes. The party looks terrific. We are going to dig into the cake. We don't get that very often. Hope you two have a wonderful day and many many more. Take care.

Cara n Crew said...

Sweet! Happy Gotcha Day, Casper and Archie! Thanks for sharing the story and the pictures and for inviting us all to your wunnerful pawty :).

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Holli

Kea said...

Happy, happy Gotcha Day to Casper and Archie! Great hubby, too, who says, Honey, we need another cat. LOL.

We hope you boys have a FABULOUS day!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Gotcha Day you handsome mancats!!!!! We are looking forward to celebrating many, many, many more gotcha days with you.


CCL Wendy said...

Happy Gotcha Day Casper and Archie! PURRhaps is was no coincidence, but a happenstance of synchronicity that you were both gotcha'd on the same day (though two years apart)! I think you certainly both ended up where you belong.

Dante, Dylan and Domino are all on their way over to help you celebrate, and they're bringing a case of tuna to share.

Rock on, kitty dudes! And here's to many, many healthy and happy years with your family.

Random Felines said...

That was a great story. Happy Gotcha Day Casper & Archie. Loved the niptinis...mom loved the cake. Oh - and she would like to know if Robert has a brother....

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

The very best Happy Gotcha Day ever to two of the cutest mancats around!! This is one fine party. You show do know how to put a good spread out.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Gothca Day!

Rene said...

Aw, what a nice story. I love the photos of the boys and your comment about Archie's happy ginger face. Happy Gotcha Day to you boys!

MTVA said...

It's a happy day for your lovely happy family! It's always fun and heartwarming to visit your blog and see what you all are up to. Happy, Happy Day, CuteyBoys!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Happy Gotcha Day Casper and Archie!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I just love happy endings! Happy Gotcha Day!

Angel Simba said...

What a lovely story about Casper and Archie. They certainly are both gorgeous mancats. And what a great party!

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Cats are great! Your four are lucky to have such a nice home, and to have each other to love!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Happy gotcha day.. I just loved reading the story and look how well you got on so soon.. Just lovely.. Hugs GJ xx

Daisy said...

Happy, happy Gotcha Day, Casper and Archie! I hope you have an extra-special day.

The Island Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Casper and Archie!! We love your gotcha stories. And we think that Robert-guy is pretty cool!! He's right...if cats make you happy, why not get another!!

We hope you both have a terrific day!!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Happy Gotcha Day sweet Casper and Archie. You are so very very handsome and it makes mommy smile just looking at you. You are all of you a loving family and that is a precious thing for each of you..human and furred.

I loved that Niptini. You boys make it so much better than my mommy does! And the cake..oh, to die for. SO savory and salmony.

I enjoyed your hospitality and party and your furriendship. โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh, how we LOVED your Gotcha Day story. Happy Gotcha Day to the boys!!!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day Casper and Archie! Wow that is so cool you were gotcha'd the same day, and we love your gotcha stories - your mom and dad sound like our mom and dad (and even more then you might realize - we are talking about that on our blog tomorrow).

And of course we have to sing to you our favorite Gotcha Day song!!

What day is today?
It's Archie and Casper's Gotcha Day!!
What a day for a Gotcha Day!!
Let's all have some cake!

We hope you both have a wonderful, fun, special gotcha day!!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

That'such a lovely, happy story. Happy Gotcha Day to the boys! Your dad is a totally awesome guy.

Thankyou so much for visiting and purring for me when I was sick. I am home from the hospital and am doing well.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Casper & Archie. What a neat story.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, dear, our comment disappeared. We'll just leave is again. :)

Happy Gotcha Day, Casper & Archie. What a neat story.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Awwww,,, Datz sooo Wunderful, We'z likez Happy storiez ^..^
Da girlz thinkz you are such Beautiful Mancatz ..( sigh...)
Happy Gotcha Day ta you two Guys. You'z gotz a Wunderful home ^..^
Now let'z Pawty and dig in ta dat Wunderful Food!!Look at all dat Seafood, and cake too !! What a Great Pawty ~


A purry furry happy Gotcha Day to both Archie and Casper -- two very very happy mancats living happily ever after.


kraftekat said...

How wonderful that they all get along so well!

thank you for sharing

Ellen Whyte said...

That's the best story I've heard all week. Happy Gotcha Day Casper and Archie!

Stacy Hurt said...

That story made my day!! We Louff bof uv dem to pieces!!!

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!! Fangs fur sharing all the nommy noms and piksurs! Many purrs =^_^=
Luna & Zulu

pbgmomof5 said...

Happy Gotcha Day to Two Handsome Mancats! Casper and Archie, you boys are sure special! And how lucky you are to have such a wonderful family!

Love, Petey, Jack, Spunky, Tabitha & Madison LaRue!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

WOW WHAT A 'PARRRRTAY!!!!" Crab legs! Niptinis!!!!

Happy Gotcha Day to you both!!!
We loved reading the story behind your "Gotcha!!!"

xoxoxo Love, Caren and Cody

LP said...

We had a wonderful time at the party,although we may have indulged a little too much ...lobster is our favourite afterall!
Lewis and Tulip were (I'm embarrassed to say),a little sloshed on the niptinis.They just can't say no!
You two boys are lucky to have each other,and your brothers and your Mom and Dad!
the critters in The Cottage

Catsparella said...

What a purrfectly pawesome party! Happy Gotcha Day, Casper and Archie!! <3

Quill and Greyson said...

Happy Gotcha Day!! Wow two on the same day but not the same day! What a great story!

Happy Cat Family said...

Twice the wishes for twice the happiness for two pawsome kitties!!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

What a wonderful story.
Love & Purrs,

OKcats said...

Love the story (and I think I love Robert!)!! What lucky boys they are. Happy Gotchaday, guys!

Clooney said...

Aah, theese is such a nice story that I has to compose myself before I do my song for the boys...ok, here goes..."Happy Happy Gotcha Day, Happy Happy Gotcha Day... to Casper and Archie! And many more...I'z got my jazz paws goin' full force for you two! (And thanks for those shrimps!)

michico๏ผŠAdan๏ผŠLego-ๅฐ่Šฅ๏ผŠ้˜ฟไธน๏ผŠๆจ‚้ซ˜ said...

Happy Happy Happy Gotcha day to both of you~!
Michico also wishes if me and Lego could be that good like you 2, but that is impossible to us~! So, anyway, I am glad you are great friends~!
I hope you have wonderful Gotcha party!!!

Michico is working on yours art hardly, another very big one~!!!! Give her more days~~

Cory said...

Happy Gotcha Day Archie and Casper! Sorry we are a little late to the party, but didn't want to miss it! We love your Gotcha stories, but of course we're suckers for a happy ending!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Sorry we are so late to say:


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Wonderful story and wonderful brothers! Happy Gotcha Day, boys!

Celia said...

Aww,, I just love seeing them snuggle together. That's always the sweetest.

Mama Bear said...

Sounds like a "meant to be" gotcha day for each. My favorite photo (although it is really hard to pick just one!) is Casper in his early days - with those manly sized back paws and the beautiful floof tail.

Katnip Lounge said...

Happy One Day Late Gotcha Day!!

We hope it was a swell party!! Your gotcha stories are so great. Mommy says your Daddy is a good'un...her highest praise.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Hi Cat,
Angel here; you asked about the background,,, I change them pretty often for multiple reasons. I get bored easily ....lol no,,, really. Plus it keeps things Fresh, and there are so many fun backgrounds out there,just another way of being Artistic.They change at least monthly. Although I did like the last one, so I'll probably use it again :~) Thanks for stopping by.
Your little Babies are sooo Beautiful ;~)
Happy Gotcha Day ~

Anya said...

So so lovely story :-)
Great to see both brothers
they are so cute together !!!

Happy happy Gotcha day

Hugs Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

Anonymous said...

Great story! Happy gotcha day!

meowmeowmans said...

Sorry we are late in wishing you handsome mancats a happy Gotcha Day! We were away, and just returned late last night ... and are now playing catch up with our visiting.

We hope you boys had a wonderful day, and we wish you many, many, many more Gotcha Days. :)

GRAร‡A said...

What a beautiful story, much happiness and it appears another one!
Ronrons of

Anonymous said...

Casper and Archie - Happy Gotcha Day (three days late). Had a little surgery to contend with - something that got scheduled rather quickly. We at the daily dose are just getting back to things. Love your stories. Love you and your whole family!

=^..^= said...

Awww... we love the photos and we love their stories. We hope your furry family keeps growing and growing because you have so much love in your heart to give.

~Slash & Bronzy

PS. Happy Valentine's Day!!! *purr*

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy Belated Gotcha Day Casper & Archie and many, many, many mooooooore!!! We just loved the pictures and your Gotcha Day Stories!!!!

Hi Ben!! I have a Valentine's Card for you on my Blog!!
Hugs & Kisses,

Cat said...

OK, we're late for this, but better late than never!! We love your story!! And those pics of you guys are soooo sweet!! I can't believe you guys got along so well so quickly!! I've been living with Tiny for over 11 YEARS and still she won't cuddle up to me (or let me cuddle up to her) like that!! Maybe you were lost brothers that were miraculously put back together!! If you weren't, you sure look like you could be...we hope you have lots and lots of gotcha days ahead of you...you are both incredibly handsome dudes!! Purrs from another handsome dude (if I may say so myself!), Lautrec (yeah, and Tiny and our dawg Wood-something-or-other.