
Happy New Year

Well kitties young and old, the new year is almost upon us and I for one am really looking forward to it. 13 has always been my lucky number so I am hoping it will be a very good year.  I'll be taking a little break from blogging in January but first I wanted to wish all of you, my cherished friends, a healthy and happy New Year!!!

I have been blessed with such wonderful camaraderie from the cat blogosphere and I know it will help to carry me forward through some challenging times ahead.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August and have undergone three sparing surgeries but unfortunately none of them were successful.  If some of you noticed that my blogging has become intermittent, this is the reason why.  Soon I will face a much more invasive operation and although I am a little scared, I know it will free me from this disease and any future recurrence of breast cancer. Please keep your paws and fingers crossed for me  :-)

I hope to be back here before long, writing and reading about all of our kitties and their delightful adventures!

much love,
Cat xx 


Merry Christmas

Dear friends, each and every kitty and human in the Cat Blogosphere are so very special to me.

I would like to wish you and yours all the joy of Christmas and may peace and love surround you.

Cat and the cats

PS - comments are off :-)


Wordy Wednesday

Let me in!!!

Clever boy :-)

This is Oscar, my brother's cat who lives in rural Sweden.  It is about -5C during the day and -20C at night so trips outside are only a few minutes then he knocks at the window to come back inside.  My brother and his wife wait dutifully at the window to make sure he isn't out too long.  Oscar is very well trained...or are they? 


Mancat Monday

Hi Kids,
it's Kip here just hanging around,
waiting for something exciting to happen.
Hold on a minute, what was that?
Did my mum and dad buy our Christmas tree?!?!


Tuxie Tuesday

UPDATE:  Look what my friend Connie from Tails of the Foster Kittens did, she made a Gif for me... Connie you ROCK!!!  Thank you very much :-)

It's Ben in the box,

or should I say cube.

I wanted to make a Gif from these pictures but sadly the free gif maker website that I use said the images were too large.  So you will have to use your imagination to see Ben popping up and down in the cube :-)


Formerly Feral Friday

Yes, once I was wild and not socialized...can you believe it?

Kip's happy face
I think from these pictures you will be able to tell that I prefer being safe and spoiled in my forever home.

not a care in the world

Here's a close up of my smiling face.


Decoration Woes on Wednesday

The other day I bought a new Christmas decoration for the table centerpiece, ceramic letters that spell out "Peace" with little birds.  It is very sweet.

I set it up right away and was very pleased with the way it looked.

Then before I knew it Casper came over for a look and gave the "c" a little shove with his nose.

Then he thought he would taste the "e",

but decided the "c" was more interesting and went back to it.

For a minute I thought the letter was toast, but thankfully he just knocked it over then moved off to chew on the blinds.


Psycho Benners

I took these pictures of Ben the other day when I was lying on the sofa and he was perched on the back looking down at me.  I thought he looked just adorable but in the photos his expression seems a little...well...um...bonkers.

I'm not wrong am I, it is something about his eyes.  Here's a closer look just to be sure.

Yes he's a total nutter I think, but wow that is the pinkest nose ever!!!