
Mancat Monday Message

Hi folks, it's Jimmy here the youngest of the mancats with a message for all our friends.  On February 9th we will be celebrating the Gotcha Day for two of my brothers.  That's right, two brothers Gotcha'd two years apart but on the very same day, can you believe that?!  So please pop by on the 9th if you have a moment and celebrate with us...you'll find out on Wednesday which two mancats are the Gotcha-ees :-)


Mr Puddy said...

Jimmy, I'm so exciting for two mancats Gotcha day party !
Man's party must be FUNNNNNN !!!!!

Sparkle said...

I will definitely be by to help celebrate!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Hi Jimmy,
A GOTCHA Day is a very impawtant day ~ so will visit for sure!


Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Quite the handsome ManCat repurrter you are! We will try to get by to visit, unless Teri's involved birthing babies...

Louisette said...

Wonderfull fotos in your blog, Greeting from Belgium, Louisette passion golden retriever, Blue cat chartreux

Louisette said...

Jimmy have a nice head sweet, greeting from Belgium

Angel Simba said...

Hi, Jimmy! What fun that two of your brothers have the same Gotcha Day! You are looking very handsome yourself.

The Monkeys said...

Yay! We love a party! Well definitely be here!

AFSocksScylla said...

Hi Jimmy we will try to pop by on the 9th. It is Fenris' Gotcha Day too as well as our Mom's birthday. We has to say you are looking very handsome.

Us4 Cats said...

twins! hehehe, just different years :}
that is neat to share the same G day.
we think that is a sweet photo of you.

Forever Foster said...

The lead up to Gotcha Days is such an exciting time!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We love Gotcha Day celebrations!

Kea said...

Jimmy, you are SUCH a handsome boy! Wow!

We'll be back to help celebrate the Gotcha Day!

Marg said...

Jimmy you sure are looking so handsome and happy. We sure will be by to help celebrate all the gotcha kitties. Hope you have a wonderful week.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a handsome picture of you, Jimmy.

We're looking forward to a Gotcha Day.


Clarissa said...

Jimmy, you sure are growing up to be a handsome mancat! Mom loves your gray coat. And we will try to come back on Wednesday...if MOM DOESN'T FORGET!!!

Clarissa & Co.

Random Felines said...

You are looking very handsome Jimmy. We will be sure to stop by on Wednesday to see who the winner are!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Jimmy you are so handsome. See you then!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

A double celebration - that should be a great Gotcha Day party. We'll get our furs especially clean for this event.

pbgmomof5 said...

We had to leave a comment today to say what a handsome Mancat Jimmy is. He looks like a Super Catmodel!

Love from the Califurrrrrnia5

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh wow that is so cool that their gotcha day is the same day, just two years apart! How much fun!! We will be sure to try and get mom to remember to stop by!!

Catsparella said...

Smooches, Jimmy! We will definitely be back to help celebrate! Sounds fun! :D

Rene said...

We'll be there! Two of our gang have the same birthday, so we know that can happen! Thanks for letting us know.

Anonymous said...

OK Jimmy. Thanks for letting us know. We'll come by and celebrate with you guys.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hello handsome Jimmy, we'll be sure to stop by for that special day!

Unknown said...

I'll be sure to stop by and celebrate your brothers Gotcha Day Jimmy!


We sure will Jimmy.
Such a nice picture of you!!!


Anonymous said...

Gotcha days are the BEST!

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Jimmy, have we ever told you you look JUST like Sammy-Joe when he was a kitten? He's big and fat now though. (OWWWW STOP SCRATCHING US, SAMMY-JOE!)

Clooney said...

Hi my little man Jimmy, thanks for the announcement, we will be back for the Gotcha Day to see which 2 brothers it is. By the way, you'z looking mighty handsome (even if I am a bit partial).

Mickey's Musings said...

Goodness Jimmy!! You are looking very handsome :)
We will keep our calendar open for Wednesday so we can help celebrate!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hi Jimmy, we will be there.

The Island Cats said...

Jimmy, we wouldn't miss it!!

Ellen Whyte said...

A double celebration surely means double happiness...

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

YAY jimmy! thanks so much for telling us! We will do our best to stop by! xoxo

weaverpat said...

Hi Jimmy,
You are such a handsome guy! My first kitty was a beautiful dark gray like you, he was the love of my life!
Can't wait to check out the Gotcha Day!

โ™ฅI am Hollyโ™ฅ said...

Jimmy, that is going to be an exciting day!! Thanks for letting us know! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Cara n Crew said...

Hi Jimmy! Gosh but you are too cute! How cool that two of your brofurs were gotcha'd on the same day but different years. Is there a story we missed? Can't wait for the party and details on who :)

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

LP said...

Jimmy,you had better tell your Mama to watch you closely.LP loves grey cats and you are too velvety handsome for your own good (that's what she says!).
See you on the 9th!
the critters in The Cottage

Pellie / Penny said...

A-two-for party - Yeah!!! Thanks for the head's up - I'll be back.


Oskar said...

How wonderful that they share the same Gotcha day!

Nubbin wiggles,

Teddy Westlife said...

I'll be ready to party!

KrafteKat said...

Love the photos, thanks for sharing.

Cory said...

We'll come by for the celebration. It's Nigel's Gotcha Day on the 10th. It's a good week to be gotcha'd!

CCL Wendy said...

Of course we'll come by! We love Gotcha Day celebrations and this is a two-fur!

Looking good, Jimmy!

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

We will be back to celebrate!

Pip said...

You are very handsome Jimmy! We can't wait fur to see your party! Gotcha days are the very most important days ever!

=^..^= said...

Happy Gotcha day!!! We're mewing aloud a special Gotcha Day song for you rite now!

~Slash & Bronzy

Tia and Millie said...

Well, happy Gotcha to you both!

Tamago said...

Thank you for letting us know about Gotcha day. It is before the post, but early Happy Happy Gotcha Day to your brothers! Hope you wull all have a wonderful day!