Hi all, I'd like to ask you to send along some healing purrs to our young Kip. On Saturday he started with a cold and some crazy sneezing....his right eye began watering followed by his left eye and now he has a little wheeze in his nose too.
I'm not feeling well |
Then last night during the Olympics (I was watching the women gymnasts, who incidentally use more eye make-up and hair glitter than Vegas showgirls)
Jimmy started sneezing!!! He was not as bad as poor Kip who is regularly gripped by at least seven huge sneezes in a row (I've counted) but I definitely heard a few little achoos emanate from his perch on the back of the sofa.
I may need some purrs too |
The vet said it is a virus that has to run it's course...please keep you fingers and paws crossed it does not run through the entire household or there will be a lot of unhappy mancats around here. Not to mention I am totally stressed out with one sick cat, maybe two...I can't even begin to imagine five!!!
Look what dear Ann from
Zoolatry made for us! Thank you Ann you are so thoughtful :-)
Oh noes!!!!!!! We will be purring very hard for Kip and Jimmy too!! Hope those nasty sneezes go away quickly and not get every other kitty !!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
I am sending lots of purrs Kip and Jimmy's way - and sending you a few too!
This is miserable news! We will rev up our purrers.
Lots of purrs to everyone! Do you give them Lysine? If it's a common kitty cold it can help. At least your vet is intelligent enough not to pump them full of antibiotics for a *virus*! :-)
BTW, I was giving the boys the Lysine mixed in their food every day (just breaking open the capsules and mixing the powder with the canned), but Vetri Science makes Lysine treats and I've been ordering them from a US on-line pet supply store and having them shipped (thanks to Cheri, to whom I have them delivered and who then ships them to me). The only thing with the Vetri-Science treats is that each treat is only 125mg, when a daily maintenance dose would be 250mg and you'd want to give 500mg per day during a cold. So that's a lot of treats. LOL. Far cheaper to buy the human capsules.
We're with the Fuzzy Tales Mom on using L.Lysine. We have lysine treats in France to but the cats don't necessarily like them, so we would just mix powder in with wet food.
The Chans
We're sending our best healing purrs along to you sweet boys. And some calming thoughts to Mom!
Hope all of you are feeling better soon.
We are all sending purrs to sweet Kip and Jimmy too! Please feel better soon guys!
I am absolutely sending purrs and soft meows to the boys. PLEASE get better boys..
Oh, poor sweet sick babies! Of course we will purr for them until they're better -- and we hope, too, that it doesn't make the rounds.
It's a very helpless feeling -- just like when a child is sick and all you can do is wait it out.
Give Kip and Jimmy some extra hugs from us and healing purrs are on their way.
You poor babies - colds are such a nuisance when you're training hard for your Olympic events. We hope you will feel better soon.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We sure are sending tons of purrs to ya Kip and hope you get over that darn cold really soon and all of the rest of you too. We had that same thing happen here. A little virus went through them all of the kitties. They finally all got better but it took a little while. The donkeys are crossing their hooves for ya too. Take care.
I purr for that stupid virus will go away right away !!
Oh no! We are purring that the nasty virus goes away quickly and everybuddy is feeling better real soon!!
(and our mom says you're right about the gymnasts!!)
Oh you poor boys! I purr everyone gets well soon. You may want to try crushing some L-lysine and giving that to them. It's an amino acid, and I've heard it works well for cats and URIs.
Bless your precious hearts!! We are sending you both lots of healing purrs! Lysine worked wonders for us when we got the sniffles and runny eyes a few years back.
Power of the Paw headed your way!
Mom puts Lysine in our stinky goodness. She tried the treats but only Tamir would eat them. We hope everycat feels better soon!
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
Oh Nose!!!! Not the bad flu bug! Me and my pack all have our paws crossed for a quick, easy recovery for both of you guys. And no more sickies allowed! Get Well Soon!
Amber DaWeenie, the Pack, and the Momma
No, no, no!! Not funny!! All sneezing must stop and everyone must get better immediately!! First of all, to worry your Mom like that is just not nice, and second of all, YOU CAN'T BE SICK!! You know, guys, Moms worry their crazy human hearts out over us whenever we get sick (or even have the slightest symptom of being sick) so take pity on your Mom and get better really, really quick and NO ONE ELSE is allowed to get sick! OK? Good. I'm glad you are listening...
Lots of purrs and headbutts and tailwags from Weezdabadcats and DaMeenDawgs (Tiny, Elioth, Princess 2Shoes, Ellwood and Gingerbug)
Oh, no ... we are sending you our biggest {{{hugs}}} and loudest purrrrrrrzzzzzzzzzzz ... to help you ALL feel better soon, sooner, soonest! Sneezing and stuff = no fun at all.
Our best ...
Grace & Company
Seems to be bad this year. Paws crossed it doesn't run through your entire household. (or mine for that matter since my fosters have it)
We are just getting over a virus in our house that affected all but Bella so we definitely feel for you guys! We are feeling better now so we can purr extra strong for Kip and Jimmy!
We are sending our purrs for Kip and Jimmy for the virus to soon go away again.
Purrs and pawhugs for the boys to get well quickly and for it not to spread to the others.
Oh,isso nรฃo รฉ nada bom.Desejamos que melhorem rapidamente. Sejam bonzinhos e faรงam tudo o que o veterinรกrio mandar, mesmo que seja engolir aqueles horrรญveis comprimidos.
Purrrrrrrrrs to you two!!!
Lots of purrrs and prayers for Kip & Jimmy, too! And lots of prayers that the other boys don't get it ,too!!
Your TX furiends,
Hi Ben!! I hope you stay well!!
Love & Hugs,
Ouuuuuu, poor Kip and poor Jimmy. I sit on my thumbs that they get well soon without infecting the other boys. By the way, I was watching the Olympics gym too, yesterday and was astonished how young the girl were. It's crazy what they do and I hope their body want pay them back when they get older.
Take care
HISSSSSSSSSS to snotty colds! Don't forget to wipe your noses on your Mum & Dad, apes are very absorbent!
Sending you lots of virus bashing rumbly purrs
Oliver, Gerry & Mungo
Sending purrs and kissies to Kip and Jimmy. Once when we had a kitty cold making the rounds at our house, the only way we got it under control was to isolate my momma Ellie. She washes everyone and was the one spreading it around!
Sukki had this same thing back in April=took her to the vet, she got an antibiotic shot and about 4 days later (on a Saturday of course) she had labored breathing, so I rushed her to the Emergency Vet=she got another antibiotic shot, antibiotic liquid medicine and he told me to get over the counter allergy pills (4 mg=cut in half, twice a day) and infant nose drops to help soothe her symptoms=they did help her, but ask your vet about this for your boys...He also told me it was highly contagious and to keep her separated from my other kitties=very difficult, but kept them apart for about 6 days...Good luck with you sweet boys, Cat!...I understand the worry and how hard it is to see your babies feel bad...Also, had Sukki rechecked 2 weeks later and she held on to a fever, which worried me, but it was down when I took her back 1 month after initial diagnosis...hugs...J
Oh No, poor Kp & Jimmy we are sending our very best healing purrs to them.
Sending purrs - our mom uses the homeopathic remedy Aconite Napellus for kitty colds - often it stops it right away if given first thing. Just one pellet dissolved in water 3x a day. Good luck!
cats of wildcat woods
Deew Kip and Jimmy,
I'm so sowwy that wotten viwus visited you
I hope the west of youw pack stays healthy and that the two of you feel bettew weely soon
healing smoochie kisses
Awwwwww, you poor boyz :( we sending soft healing Purrz & Purrayerz your way so All ov you getz well & stay well ^.,^
Sending healing purrs and love. xxxxx
Oh my cat! Paws crossed that it runs its course FAST!!
Sending PURRS and PRAYERS from all of us at Purrchance To Dream.
Sorry to hear this and send my loudest purrs that all will be well soon.. Hugs GJ xx
Sorry to hear this and send my loudest purrs that all will be well soon.. Hugs GJ xx
Sending purrs to Kip and the other ManCats that the sneezies and virus goes elsewhere far, far away!
Seth, Maxx, Newton, Tessa & Pia Bean
I hope this will be behind you very soon, sweet boys!
Sending TONS of healing purrs and prayers!!!! Hoping they get better soon and that no one else gets sick!
Sending healing purrrrrrs to Kip & Jimmy. We hope they get to feeling better soonest.
We're sending the boys lots and LOTS of purrs that they feel less sneezy realy soon. :)
Oh poor poor Kip and Jimmy!! We're purring and praying that it runs its course fast and doesnt infect anyone else!! Hugs to everyone!
Oh, and seriously on the eye makeup and glitter! Are they trying to make sure they are seen from space or what?
Oh babies!!! Please get all better soon! Me and Squashies and Pip are purring for all of yous!
Your Furend, TK
Purrs & prayers from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde & their Feeders!!!
Oh dear! Harley and I are purring for both of you guys. Feel better soon!
We are purrin for everyone...hope Kip and Jimmy feel better very very soon.
Purrs to you Kip!!
We're purring for Kip an' Jimmy ... and your whole family to NOT BE SICK!
We hope your furbabies feel better real soon and the "bug" doesn't spread to the others. One can't help but worry about them when they are ailing.
We are so sorry you have a cold! We will purr for you. Our mom hates seeing us sick, so she can imagine how your mom must feel with two, and maybe even more to come, so we are purring for her too! Get well soon and may the healthy kitties stay that way. How do you think you got it?
we are purring our bestest healing purrs for Kip and Jimmy! feel better, everybuddy!
it's funny, when you said you were watching the olympics, we first thought of the Blogville games, mol! we forgot about those "other games" mol!
Pip, Smidgen, minnie, Hollie
purring that Kip and Jimmy get better :)
do ask your vet for L-lysine nutritional supplement oral gel,
it helped my kitties when they get sneezy and watery eyes from the nasty virus.
purring that Kip and Jimmy get better :)
do ask your vet for L-lysine nutritional supplement oral gel,
it helped my kitties when they get sneezy and watery eyes from the nasty virus.
Our biggest healing purrs for Kip and Jimmy - hope the others don't catch that nasty virus.
We all send our very best purrs and prayers for Kip and Jimmy, and ALL of you!
We sending our biggest purrs and prayers Kip and Jimmy's way for a speedy recovery with ease. (Tiri sends protective cuddles and purrs to her Mancat Archie.)
Cloon's Human: I use Boiron Coryzalia for kids in the vials, it is a homeopathic for colds and give the kitties 2 vials per day and I also use colloidal silver, just a 1/4 teaspoon syringed for a few days (both in your local health food store). Love to you all.
The best of luck to Jimmy and Kip, and I hope none of the others come down with it. There are some good suggestions in the comments here. It's good to have caring fellow bloggers.
I am so sorry to hear about Kip and Jimmy. I hope they will get well soon. It's too hard to see our loved ones go through tough time...
We are sending huge purrs and prayers to your precious boys.
We is purring hard fur you kittehz. Those viruses can be bad news. Hope you're feeling better soon. From all of us at Prancer Pie.
purrs from us to you, and healing energy to ~~~~~~~~~~
Harry, Dexter and Tipp
Kip and Jimmy look so much like two of my mancats, Sol and Smokey.
The lysine is very good, you can also get it in fishy sprinkles. I have to keep my cats from eating too much of it. They did not like the gel form, however.
We are all sending lots of purrs and purrayers to your kitties...
KC & Kitties & Mom ML
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