All the talk about Casper and Ben's girlfriends this week made Archie start to think. He does not have a ladycat in his life and now that he is almost two (next month we guesstimate) and a mature mancat he feels it is time to find that special someone.
I wonder if ladycats like nose freckles??? |
Archie thinks that Neytiri from
Cloony's Num-Num Fund is a very beautiful ladycat and they seem to be close in age but he does not know if she is attached.
the lovely Neytiri |
Do you think an exquisite ladycat like Neytiri could be interested in a carefree, easygoing mancat like Archie???
Don't worry be happy :-) |
Hmm. Perhaps Archie is a little TOO carefree? MOL!
We can't imagine how she would be able to resist Archie.
BTW - We thought of you this morning as Xander was doing laps around the house - he VERY much looks like Jimmy. :)
Lucy has a boyfriend but Hannah is a single ladycat if Archie gets turned down by Neytiri - she has just had her second birthday.
Oh Archie,we think Neytiri is just gorgeous too. We sure hope she will be your lady friend. We have always thought she was very pretty. We also love the 'Don't worry, be happy' picture. That is our mom's favorite song and favorite saying. Take care. Have a great day.
Us boys are single, too, Jimmy. We both think Neytiri is totally gorgeous, but have no idea if she has a fella or not.....we wish you luck, young lad.
Love to all of you.
Archie, you're a very handsome mancat and we're sure there will be ladycats who will be VERY interested in you. Heck, if we were ladycats, we would be! ;-P
I think both of those lady cats would be very lucky to win your heart. However if their hearts are spoken for and you aren't
opposed to an older ladycat (9 y.o.), with a freckled nose, pick me. Being #3 is a charm.
I'm not really high maintenance. I have an assistant to attend to all my needs.
Hugs Madi the Diva
hope you find the lady of your dreams Archie.
We think so! Archie, perhaps Neytiri could dust around you...and give you an ear wash, too boot!
We can't imagine why not? You're a catch, Archie!
Why not? Ladycats love easygoing dudes like you, Archie! :)
She is a beauty Archie, go fur it!
Well Archie- How would you like to date a COVRGIRL? We just found out that our Candy is going to be on the COVER of the ICHC 18 month calendar... One small detail- she's a bit of a cougar- she just turned 12 in June...
I wanted to say Hello and touch base with you before BLOGPAWS.
Me- Carm and my Crazy Cat Man Randy will be there and I wanted to be sure to get to know each of the folks going a bit better before the BIG EVENT!
Our Website: I have to admit that between my various interests online I don't always get to comment on blogs as much as I would like to... Or it just gets all redundant and meaningless...
Our little bio is: We live in Buffalo, NY. Back in 1997 a black stray cat-Puffy came to us and made us her PURRsons. We fell head over heels in love with her and that next fall 1998 adopted to barn kittens littermate brothers- Sunny & Moony. The next spring 1999 there was a darling longhaired barnkitten Furby-same momcat as Sun & Moon. Before long I was online looking at cat breeds and feel in love with Maine Coons- Furby looks like one. I found a local breeder and adopted Candy-Fall 1999 who I just found out is the COVERGIRL on the new ICHC Wall Calendar, then Tommy-winter 2000, then Joy- Fall 2000 who was our momcat- who had 4 kittens and our keeper is Pride born in late 2001. We are all senior cats now and Puffy and Sunny have already left us to be with all the cat gods and goddesses.
I look forward to meeting you at BLOGPAWS! Please do keep in touch! XO CC & 6GR8CATS
Well opposites do attract! Thanks for visiting our other blog The Boomer Muse.
We thinks if Neytiri isn't already attached she will be bowled over by your nose freckles and your easy going ways.
Good luck with Neytiri, she is exquisite.
Archie, she is beautiful!! Go for her!!! The kitties here are over 14 years old and are still single senior kitty girls. Lots of love, Debbie & Holly
I'm glad to took the first step, Archie! Ladycats like to be chased. I hope you hear some PAWSitive news from Neytiri very soon.
She is indeed, a beauty! But then you're quite the striking mancat yourself.
Rumblemum says NOBODY can resist the orange... I say live footloose and fancy free!!
Archie has great taste in lady cats - Neytiri is gorgeous!!!
Archie, if Neytiri isn't interested, we know there are lady cats lining up to be your girl!!
Well Archie, nothing ventured,nothing gained ;) heehee
You are a good looking Mancat, so good luck ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
PeeEss: The nights here are quite cool ,17C
Mom said it will cool down a lot after Sunday with day temps in the low 20's :)
We can try to send you some nice Atlantic ocean breezes :/
I don't see why she wouldn't be interested in you but take my advice my friend, there are so many eligible ladycats out here that you just might want to play the field for a bit!
Love, your pal, Cody
Dear Young Master Archie,
Why I am beyond tickled pink that perhaps you may want to choose me as your special Ladycat! I am not yet spoken for. I think that we have lots in common as I am fearless, easy-going and we both have pink(ish)noses. I am an avid duster, climber and baker (do you like baked goods?). I also really like insects. For the past few weeks, my Human was thinking that the time was right for me to have a boyfriend. So your timing IS rather purr-fect! You are a very handsome Mancat and I must say that your nose freckles sealed the I ACCEPT!!!
Your Girl,
Oh Archie!! I'm sure a girl like Neytiri, who is so beautiful and smart, has gotten many proposals already. Plus she is with Mr. Clooney, the sexiest cat alive. So I was thinking it may be difficult ... but just above my comment I found that she accepted!! Congratulations, Archie!!
Hurray for young love!!!!!
Woooohoooooo, we saw the reply from the gorgeous Neytiri. Yay, you are a lucky mancat!
Oh yay, Archie has a girl!
Hooray for Archie! I fink Neytiri is very pretty. Scott won't let me have a GERLFRIEND even though my sisfur Ruby has a boyfriend - and she's 8 minutes younger than me! I don't understand! Oliver.
Archie, I was going to say "good luck" but I see the beautiful Neytiri has accepted! Hooray!
Wow Archie are you one lucky mancat --
she said YES!
Woohoo! She said yes!!!
Wow Archie!! That is so cool that Neytiri said yes!! She is very beautiful and you are very handsome and you wil make a great couple!
Your TX furiends,
Hi Ben! Mom has been away from the computer all day! So come on over in the morning and me and you will spend the day together!!
Archie is a good catch for enny lucky gerl cat! He's handsome, funny, clever and cuddly and has freckles on his nose! Wot more could a gerl want?
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