These are my brother Duncan's cats Oscar and Lucinda, they live in Sweden where it snows a lot. However, they do not like the snow as it hampers their activities.
Would you look at that Luci... it's snowing again! |
They live in a rural area and are very outdoorsy kitties. Oscar has daily patrols to make and there are interlopers to be chased away. But when winter comes, they are not so keen to be outdoors.
See my nose... a hazard of the job!
They go out every day just to confirm they hate the cold weather. The average "out" time is probably two minutes and then they want back in again. This process repeats itself throughout the day. If it is really cold the two minute out time decreases to about two seconds and they want back inside before the door has even shut behind them!
Silly Oscar, I'll stay inside where its warm |
Since Sweden sees more than 100 days of snow in any given winter, I'm thinking it would behoove them to find a way to enjoy the white stuff!
Oooo LOVE that stretch, and I hope your poor nose heals quickly my friend!
What a bunch of cuties!!! That is a lot of snow, they must need snowshoes.
Poor Oscar! :{
Wot adorable cats ~ we enjoyed meeting them. That's a nasty nose scraitch ~ how did that happen?
Oscar and Lucinda are adorable cuties! We have never been in snow, but it looks fun!!
And here we thought Ontario winters were bad. LOL.
Oscar and Lucinda are sweeties; thanks for introducing us. Hmm, maybe they could have their own blog?
thanks for sharing photos of the Swedish kitties!
I feel so bad about Oscar's "ouchie"....I hope it is all better now!
Have a great day!
Cat Chat
I love your blog! I am a cat lover also and have a female Persian named Prissie. She is dear to us and is 20 years old. Love all of the photos you have...Aren't cats wonderful?
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Oscar and Lucinda are beautiful! MOL about going out and coming right back in! I do that too here when it's raining! Hope they have good kitty tv at least, despite the snow :).
What wonderful kitties, Lucinda and Oscar are. Too bad Oscar has a scratch. Maybe they should get some little snow boots so they could go outside. But they probably wouldn't wear them. Just saying. Glad we don't get that much snow.
What a gorgeous pair, and we love their names. Our dad used to live in Sweden, too. He says he would like to live in a cold climate again one day. I don't think we would cope!
heh heh. It's good to know that Cats the world over like to run their Humans ragged opening the door for them.
Oscar and Lucinda look like very nice Cats, maybe they could blog? (hint hint)
Love those pictures!! We hope the scratch heals up quickly! We have snow and ice here and aren't too crazy about it! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Lovely kitties. We like your tree too - we let ours stay up naked for a couple of days and then decorate - now it looks a bit bedraggled on the bottom layer but no harm done!
Hello bewteeful Swedish kittehs!
We love the stretch in the last picture - I could feel it doing me good !! Hannah and Lucy don't like the snow too much and their mum hates it.
That poor hurty nose looks sore, but I dont blame you for not wanting out in the snow. Stay warm and snug.. Hugs GJ xx
MEOWZA!!!!!!!!!!! There is no way we can image snow!!!!! Maybe we should send our magic afghan to fly them to South Texas for a couple of weeks????
We were very happy to meet them.
I don't think I would ever get used to snow, no matter how many days I got!
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde all agree, "Even when it is ::shudder:: cold, it behooves a Proper Cat to maintain appearances and at the very least Look Out the Door. After all, the weather could have changed at Any Time. No, really!! One can simply not trust the word of one's Feeders!! After all, they might just be saying that to get out of the Sacred Ritual of Opening the Door!!"
That sure is a handsome family! Ouchy on the nose scratch though, I'll bet that hurt a bit. Y'all have a great weekend!!!
Such swedish sweeties!
It's so nice to meet Oscar and Lucinda!! We get tired of snow after a few days...we couldn't imagine having 100 days of it!!
Skiing and gluewein!
I'm so glad we don't get snow too often. If you want to post my Christmas card with the falling snowflakes, email me and I'll send you the code.
They are absolutely adorable. Perhaps there is a blog in their future? :)
Oscar and Lucinda look like very nice kitties. We don't blame them for not wanting to stay out in the snow.
Smile, Oscar stretching out on the chair is reminding me on my cat Noah. He does exactly the same. And like Oscar and Lucinda he finds snow silly and absolutely unnecessary. Bad news for him, that outside we've got about 20 cm of this white stuff.
I had to smile, when you wrote in my blog, that you sit on the carpet in the sitting room floor when you wrap in parcels. I did the same but wisely put Noah outdoor so that I could work in freedom :o).
Take care and have a great X-mas.
Oh Oscar and Lucinda are such cute kitties! Winter must be very severe in Sweden. They must stay inside and be warm :-)
Hmm... what gorgeous kittehs y'all are! But perhaps you should stay inside by the warm air blower thingie. :)
Awwwwwww!!!!! What cute kitties Oscar & Lucinda are!!! Thanks for sharing them with us!!
Ben wanna come over and play in my cube with me?
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