
Almost Mancat Monday

Today is the six month anniversary of Archie's adoption, his gotcha day was February 9, 2010.  He was five months old when we got him so that puts him at eleven months now, just one month shy of his first bithday and full mancat status. 

Therefore, I thought a few pictures of Archie being his wonderful self were in order :-)

Door Sitting

Baby Archie with big brother

Window partol

That sinking feeling

Fun with tissue paper

Top of the tower
Cute as a button


Kea said...

Archie, you're quite the adorable character! How did you get up on the door anyway, and could you get down by yourself?

Angel Simba said...

Sweet Archie. He reminds me so much of our Rusty. I love the sink picture!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Happy 9 month adoption anniversary!

Great pictures!

Hannah and Lucy said...

All of those pictures bring out the worst in mum - she keep trying to smooch the screen!!

However we have to agree Archie is gorgeous.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Looking good Archie! I'm very impressed with your door sitting skills!!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Little Archie is completely and utterly adorable and it is right and proper to celebrate his 9 month adoption anniversary.
We love the pic of him on the door ~ because Milo does that ALL the time and we've never seen any other cat do that!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a sweetie!!!!!!!!! Some wonderful pics....our mama loved the first one....door sitting.

Have a great day. xxxxxxxxxxx

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Archie - you are such a cutie! But it looks like your mom mistyped somewhere - 5 months + 9 months is 14 months - she must have hit a wrong key somewhere (which our mom does all the time!)

Anonymous said...

Happy 9 Month of you Adoption, Archie! You ARE cute as a button and we love the pic of you on the door! King does that too! Hoping you get lots of treats today! We think ya should!

Marg said...

Happy five months of being with your wonderful family Archie. You sure are cute and it looks like Casper likes you a lot and that is just great that you get along. Makes us happy. Love the picture of you on top of the door Archie.
Have a fantastic week.


Oh Archie you are so adorable. We love orange tabbies! All of the pictures of you were great but we loved the last one of you with your little paws up in the air.
Happy 9 month anniversary!


The Creek Cats said...

Happy 9 Month Adoption Anniversary, Archie! OMC! Love the door sitting photos. Too cute!

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy 6th Month Adoption Archie!! You are very brave to sit on the tops of doors!!
Howdy from your TX furiends,

Katnip Lounge said...

Archie! You are an Ornj Meniss for sure. Happy adoption anniversary...no matter how many months it's been!

You are growing up to be a verreh handsome ManCat and we think the GirlCats are gonna go WILD for your tummy buttons. Mommy already wants to snorgle you for hours!

Pee Ess: Felix wants to know how you do the door thing?

BeadedTail said...

Happy 6th month adoption Archie! You are a cutie pie! We bet the view from on top that door was pawesome!

Cindy said...

Happy Anniversary! Fantastic photos!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Wow that door picture is impressive. Love all the pictures.. Hugs GJ xx

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

How sweet! Baby Archie made the PM SQUEEEEEEEEEE!

The Island Cats said...

Oh Archie!! Our mom is just loving all your orange goodness!!! How'd you get on top of that door?? That's pretty cool!!

The Monkeys said...

Archie, you're an adorable little dude! Our Mom wants to kiss your cute little ginger nose!

Ellen Whyte said...

This cat's life is a great life! Archie looks like he's having a blast living with you.

Cara n Crew said...

oh, little Archie, you are absolutely cute as a button. You are very brave to door sit. You are a young mancat and all ready have stolen our hearts.

-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

โ™ฅI am Hollyโ™ฅ said...

Happy Anniversery Archie!! Your door sitting skills reminded mom of a kitty she had decades ago that did that all of the time! Love all of the pictures!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Pip said...

Archie you is almost a mancat!?!
It seems like yesserday... You are very handsome, mankitten. We can't waits to sellebrat your ascenshun to mancatdom.