Here are a few pictures of the boys when they were young. I'm hunting around for my earliest photos of Molly from 1992 that I can scan, and I wonder how we coped before digital cameras!

Casper and his sister Fluffy

Wee Ben the first week we got him

Skinny Archie the second day we got him
Ooh, cute x 4. You are right, how did we manage before digital cameras?
Such cutie pies!
Aw, such cuties!!!
SQUEEEEE! Little white kitten tots are Mommy's big weakness. As well as tabby tots, grey tots, tuxie get the picture.
What sweet babies.
It's lovely to see the photos! The one thing I really regret is that I don't have many pics of Chumley--I didn't get my digital camera (thanks to my dad) until September 2006 and Chum died in January 2007. So I don't have a lot of pics of him, and most of what I do have were taken between that September and January, of course.
They are just so adorable!! I have been going through lots of old pictures that were not taken with a digital camera. Scanning them takes lots of time and effort!! I love those pictures!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
cuteness overload much!!
Absolutely darling! This is what I really miss somedays...each of our cats was well into adulthood when they came to join our household. When we stop at the local Humane Society on Saturdays for our regular "cuddle" fix, if there are any white kittens we wonder if any of our boys would have looked similar when they were young.
Those are precious baby pictures!...Have a fun week beautiful friends...kitty kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
They are so cute : )
Hi Cat's Cats!! We put up Benjamin's picture at the TGH!! Welcome to the Tuxedo Gang Ben!!
Howdy from Samantha & the Tuxie Gang
Mom agrees ~ how did we manage? She said all the other cats before us had non-digital photos taken ~ which is why they rarely appear on out bloggie. She keeps saying she'l scan them in ~ but there is so much to do and so little time ...
So cute! My mum wishes she had baby pictures of me but I came to live here when I was five so there are none.
Welcome to the World of Cat Blogging!!!
These pictures are just precious!
Do not panic over not knowing everything about being a blogger.
Daddy, and I were there during the early beginning of blogging itself, in 2002,and it's a learning process that you will survive, and come out the otherside the better for it.
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