
Mancat Monday

Well kids, if you visited last Monday you know I posted some pics of the boys at the window watching Bird TV.  However in those shots I could only get four cats at a time and said it would be my quest to try to catch all five boys together.  I had no idea I would accomplish this so quickly!!!!

This is what I woke up to on Sunday morning and luckily my ipad was by the bed....

all five boys!!!!

Jimmy sees me snapping photos

Jimmy and Kip remained after the others lost interest

and then just Jimmy remained.

It was an exciting morning :-)


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Must have been spme really good Birdie-TV outside your window :)
Happy Monday to you !

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!!! Must have been a really good program!!! A five cat program :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I wonder what was going on out there - no doubt something really interesting!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Were the birdies putting on a show for your boys?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Rene said...


John Bellen said...

It was tough to see that two of the dark ones were separate cats, but when I looked closely, sure enough, all five!

Random Felines said...

beautiful!! love seeing all the boys....

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It looks like the programming is particularly exciting early in the evening!

The Chans

My Mind's Eye said...


Tamago said...

Oh yay five boys together! Mission accomplished :-) I wonder what they were watching. Must have been something very interesting! And looks like Jimmy found something even more interesting :-)

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Aw, congratulations! Wow, that must be the best window in the house!

Alex aus dem Gwundergarten said...

Well done! He he, what a cat gang... I love them all. I guess, if I were you, I wouldn't manage to get any work done with them around. I would always have to cuddle them and to play with them :o).
Have a great day!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hooray for the Five-0 task force!!!!!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Very cool.. See, ask and occasionally you will receive :)

Marg said...

Wow that is terrific to get all five boys at one time. Great pictures. Wasn't that nice of the boys to line up for you. Hope you have a good day and a great week.

Katnip Lounge said...

Is a five-cat rating like a five star one? Whatever was outside must have been fascinating!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

doodz...say it iznt sew....deer cod...KNOT BURDS guys...KNOT burdz.....jimmy...we trooly hope ewe R knot feelin like all crazed rite now frum watching de B werd for az long az ya did....heer we thinked ya had BURD FREE TREEZ & wuz hopin for a good report on vizshuz squirrels re runs !!


Wow all five boys!
That was a rare chance.
We are sure glad to see them all together enjoyin a fine view.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

WHOA!!! Dere dey ALL are!

^.,^ x6 * wavez at efuryonez*

โ™ฅโ™ฅ xoxo โ™ฅโ™ฅ

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh what fun!! It was a "Boy's Club Meeting!!"

Cara n Crew said...

how sweet of you boys to cooperate for mom :)

those are great group shots! we can tell it was a good tv program. hee hee!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

The Island Cats said...

That musta been some awesome Bird TV!

Selina said...

Ahhh nothing like Morning Felines - especially on a Monday morning!


Cory said...

Wow! I love seeing everyone enjoying birdie TV together! Mom wants all of us kitties to watch The Tour de France with her....but it's boring. Birdies are WAY better.

meowmeowmans said...

Great job getting together for your Mom, boys!

Cat, we love these pictures. Congratulations on getting all five handsome boys in one shot. :)

Clooney said...

Yay for the Fab 5 all in one photo and we love that you made it into a blog banner, how cool! (Kisses to Archie from his Tiri!)

Kathy said...

The boys look so curious as cats watching Bird TV! Awesome pics of all 5 in one spot! And those sneaky iPads don't go flash or click to disturb the subject! Mama Paparazzi! LOL