
Mancat Monday

This is my breadbasket, I've had it for more than a year and it usually sits on the dining room table.  When we have people over for dinner, I line it with a linen napkin and serve our bread in it.  You may be wondering why it is lying on it's side.

Lately it has had another use which started with little Jimmy...CAT BASKET!

Sheesh mum, who are you calling "little"?  Check out my great, long legs!

This is so comfy...anyone else like to give it a try?

Hmmmm, it's a bit tight, but I think I can manage.



Sparkle said...

Oh, it makes a MUCH better cat basket!

Mr Puddy said...

You two look amazing on CAT BASKET!
It's just beautiful when you are on it

Unknown said...

Now thats what I call a multi-tasking basket!! And you have to admit it looks so much better filled with kitty than it ever would filled with bread.

Teddy Westlife said...

That is exactly what Teddy would do. Like he did with mum's fruit basket.

weaverpat said...

Oh, Cat! I'm laughing so hard!!!
How could they resist? It's shaped perfectly for a cat body!
Cats make such great centerpieces! Beautiful, decorative, calming. Every home should have one...or several!

The Monkeys said...

We think we need a bread/kitty basket here too! Who would want bread when they can stare at one of you!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We think that is a very versatile basket if it can be used for bread too!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Kea said...

That "bread" basket makes the purrfect CAT basket! And Jimmy, how sleek and elegant you look!

The mom sends smooches you all!

-Nicki and Derry

Rene said...

That is adorable and just Jimmy's size! I think you may need to get another bread basket, LOL.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MOL....what a cute post Jimmy and Casper!!!! And we love that it is now a "cat basket" instead of a "bread basket".


Stacy Hurt said...

Silly Humans. Baskets is ALWAYS for kittehs!

You to have got it goin' on!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh thats priceless. I much prefer it as a cat basket mol.. Hugs GJ xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

BasCat goodness fur sure!

Catsparella said...

MOL, it is the purrfect sized cat basket for your little "kitty loafs"!

Pellie / Penny said...

I think it looks better as a cat basket, too.

of course the handsome cats sitting in it make it look 1oox better than it did before.



Did Jimmy start sleeping in the "cat" basket?
I just wondered who got the idea from whom?

OH Jimmy you do look so adorable.


Marg said...

That makes a super cat basket. What a great shape for you kitties. We like that. Were you sure to leave plenty of hair in the bread basket?? Great pictures.
Take care.

OKcats said...

Jimmy, you sure are growing up big and strong! It was nice to see Casper in the basket, too, just to give perspective. Lovely shots!

Kathie said...

Forget the bread, Jimmie makes it a purr-fect cat basket!

LP said...

Oh Jimmy,you are so much more tasty than a mere loaf of bread could ever be! Gobble,gobble,gobbling you up! And Casper,you'd make a delicious dessert.Yum.Tasty kittens:)
the critters in The Cottage
P.S. Casper,it's nice to see you're never to old to learn new tricks from your little brother!

Katnip Lounge said...

That is adorable! A blanket in there might encourage the the boys to knead and make some fresh bread for you!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

MOL!!! I'll take my "Jimmy" with some melted butter please!!! This was soooo cute!

Cara n Crew said...

Hee hee! Now those are two cute center pieces!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

The Island Cats said...

Haha! We much rather see you guys served up in that basket than some bread!!

AFSocksScylla said...

Jimmy & Prince Casper, you both look very handsome in the cat bed. Imagine your Mom using it for bread. ~AFSS

Prince Casper, I am so happy you will be at the Mardi Gras Party and I can spend time with you. ~Artemisia

Anonymous said...

Bread basket? Clearly, that was never meant to be a bread basket. That is totally and entirely a CAT basket.

And might I say how absolutely handsome Mr. Jimmy is. Wow, what a beauty!! But this story just wouldn't have been as wonderful without Casper filling that bread basket in the end.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Oh my gosh, you kitties are so cute in the basket!

Clooney said...

What precious photos! Looks like Jimmy is a character!...(Why am I not surprised? wink, wink...)

Cory said...

Now you definitely need a 2nd basket! Ha! Baskets were made for us kitties.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh please let the cat's have it? Please please please?

CCL Wendy said...

That is so hilarious! Cats love baskets, and this one is long and narrow, so shaped just to fit a regular-sized kitty.

Jimmy and Casper make a wonderful centerpiece to your dining table, too! Which one will you use at your next dinner party, do you think?

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

OMC! It is the PURRfect size for a cat! It would have been wasted as a bread basket! MOL!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

A perfect place to 'Loaf' and what's a few cat hairs anyway!

Maggie said...

Such beautiful cats and such perfect center pieces!