
Thursday in the Garden

There is still a little happening in the garden, even at this late stage of the summer. Despite oppressive heat, humidity, neglect AND a lack of rain, my garden is doing quite well.  I can't discount the value of old favourites like geraniums and impatients, they just continue along all summer with little fanfare but keep the garden bright and cheery between blooming cycles of the marquee flowers!  I always have several planters and decorative containers spotted around our deck filled with these hard working flowers. There is a surprise picture at the end of this post, so be sure to scroll all the way down!

I snuck this picture of Casper in because it is so cute.  He is not allowed outside at all, but last summer he got onto the back deck and took a moment to smell the flowers :-)

Casper on the deck




Basil (yum, yum)

Purple and White Balloon Flowers

Zebra Grass

Here's the surprise, these cuties live at my parent's house....

Garden Bunnies !


Amy & the house of cats said...

The garden is looking great! And oh, the picture of Casper smelling the flower is just wonderful!! And the bunnies are super cute too!

Angel Simba said...

Aww, the bunnies are cute!

Love all the colors and textures, so pretty.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Wow, what beautiful flowers and what tasty, um, cute looking garden bunnies

Anonymous said...

YAY for the Garden Bunnies! They must be great fun to watch! LOVE the garden tour. It's beautiful!

AFSS said...

We loves the Garden Bunnies and the picture of Casper smelling the flowers is very sweet.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Hi Casper - did those flowers smell nice? luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Loved the garden bunnies they are very cute. Your garden in very colourful. At the moment ours is looking very bedraggled as we've had a two hour thunder storm and torrential rain - very summery!!


Beautiful garden for this late in the year! And Casper is adorable "smelling' the roses, so to speak.



Anonymous said...

Buns! What fun! We only have Nasty Raccoons and Evil Squirrels and Slow Poke Turtles.

Your garden is full of color!

Pip said...

Such beatimous flowers you has! We has bunnies too.
We tags you fur a reward on our page today!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure are having fun whiffin the pretty flowers Casper! Did you get to whiff the bunnies too?

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

The first picture is brilliant and I love all the flowers. Bunnies are a bonus too.. Hugs GJ xx

Jacqueline said...

Lovely garden post=the red flowers are beautiful...You guys are so lucky to have garden bunnies=how adorable is that?!!...Have a fun day, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

CCL Wendy said...

Bunnies, oh I just love bunnies! We have lots around here, too because we back on a ravine. Actually lots of other critters, too, like raccoons and the like.

You sound like me -- I only plant the hardiest annuals because I tend to neglect things. Fortunately, we've had some intermittent rain in sufficient quantities that extra watering hasn't been necessary (except once or twice).

I'm a big fan of impatience, too -- petunias are another good choice for the derelict.

Cory said...

Casper with the beautiful red flowers is just too precious!


Ellen Whyte said...

Love those red flowers too - and those bunnies look YUMMY! erm, cute, we meant to say, cute

Forever Foster said...

How cool to have bunnies in the garden! What a lovely picture of Casper:)

cats of wildcat woods said...

Your garden is looking great! Sweet pict of Casper.

meowmeowmans said...

Your garden is beautiful, and the picture of Casper is precious (so are those garden bunnies!).

Oh, we've given you an award! Stop over at our blog to pick it up when you have a chance, okay?

Have a great weekend, friends! :)

โ™ฅI am Hollyโ™ฅ said...

What a beautiful garden! I love the picture of Casper smelling the flower! The bunnies are so cute! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly