Jimmy the Scallywag: Tiny Jimmy, not quite 7 lbs. has a gigantic presence and is a mischief maker extraordinaire!!! His paws are silent and he sometimes startles me when I turn around and see his earnest little face peering up at me. He is always into some kind of furtive exploration and you would think his stealth would assist him but he gets so excited and cannot contain his loud chirps and trills of delight...his location is revealed every single time.
in the bathroom doing goodness knows what |
Jimmy is an unabashed love bug, each morning begins with his signature nose kisses and vigorous face rubbing (his to mine) before I've even risen from the bed. I frankly think he would lick my cheeks raw given half a chance.
look at that face!!! |
Tomorrow, last but not least, Kip
You can just see the love in his eyes, what a darling boy!
Like me, Jimmy is small but has a big presence! :)
Jimmy, you sound like a real love muffin!!
Jimmy has such a sweet little love bug's eyes.
Jimmy você é um gato lindo, com um temperamento adorável, mas não deveria ficar dando sustos em sua mamãe. Até amanhã.
His curiosity and adventur-seeking nature is just a sign of his intelligence, right, Jimmy?
And look at that serious little face! How could Mommy (or anyone) resist?
He's a loveable cutie!
What a face! Love that boy.
Jimmy has such beautiful eyes - we feel we could drown in them. Could he send us a couple of kisses please.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
I want to boop his cute gray nose!
he looks very kissable!!! Our Mo is like that - tiny but mighty (at about 8 pounds, he is the small guy in the house).
He's adorable! I love that he gets so excited that he gives himself away with chirps.
OMCs Jimmy you are a delightful package of love!! We love your wake up routine!! My full figured girl wants to know How in the world you keep your slim figure?
Hugs Madi and Mom
Well Jimmy, you must know by now that LP has a real soft spot for grey cats (her very first cat was grey) BUT you also fit all the criterions for the PURRFECT grey cat! Your Mama better keep an eye on you at all times you little chirping charmer you or someone (LP :) ) just might scoop you up!! :p
the critters in the cottage xo
Oh Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy, you gorgeous little Winnie's Wisher! I'm so glad you're in a happy home where we can see you all the time! I could just kiss that face!
Jimmy, you sure are a handsome boy and sounds like you love your Momma. You couldn't have found a better home if you had tried. Glad you found your peeps. Take care.
No doubt about it, lovebug is the purrfect word!
How wonderful to get morning kisses!
Jimmy, what a handsome guy you are!
Oh Jimmy..there is nothing like that morning love and headbumps and kissies. Your momma loves you, all of you and that morning routine.
YAY Jimmy! Nothing is better than waking to a sandpaper tongue! Mine mommy likes that too.
Me is so glad a handsome mancats like you found such a great home!
Your furend, and fellow greyboy, TK
What a sweetie...Such a beautiful face and inquisitive eyes.
: ) Katie & Glogirly
What a sweet, sweet boy! Jimmy reminds me so much of our Angel Graphite (who was also an unabashed lovebug). :)
Good on you Cat :-)) Is there a better way to wake up??? I mean the honor and the privilege alone, lol!!
You've got such a gorgeous crew!
Hugs from Greece,
P.s. This evening my husband eagerly told me about some visitors (British) who'd noticed the cats in our garden. They sincerely believed the cats were special pure breeds because they look so beautiful and they simply couldn't believe it when my husband told them that most of the cats are rescued dumpster cats. Of course my "motherly pride" just grew several inches!!
Who could resist that face?
✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.
I love EVERYTHING about Jimmy! What a lover!
This has been a fun series!
Hiya Jimmy!
I like this first pic of you. How do you do that?
me did not realize Jimmy was almost as small as me! He is so beauteous! me LOVES his eyes!
Jimmy you are truly the sweetest lovebug!!!!! :)
What a sweetie-pie!!
The Florida Furkids
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