Wouldn't it be an amazing world if it rained cat treats?!?! I can just imagine the storm clouds gathering and the thunder clap, then the skies open up and every flavour of Temptations rains down... Wow, kitty Nirvana!!!
Jimmy's perfect world |
but no yellowfin tuna ok? Blech....
I would be happy if it just rained chicken!
Haha ~ that would be a happy rain for all kitties!
xo C
We're with Sparkle - chicken rain for us too please.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
OMC, that would be FABULOUS!
Happy Wednesday!
I will purr for it to rain cheese! Extra sharp cheddar please!
I am kind of a weird cat - I don't like treats. Mommie has tried freeze dried chicken, several flavors of temptations and greenies - just don't care for them!
Ya, ya, ya! I'm sure you would love the cat treat part of it, Jimmy, but you'd be under the bed in an instant with the thunder clap!
PURRhaps the PURRfect world is actually where it rains without any thunder -- ever.
Oh my, it is raining here...gotta go look!
Tempting Kitty Dream!
How can a cat not like tuna?! lol
I agree raining cat treats would be the ultimate. I say we elect you Mayor of that world too. I'll be your able assistant and I will see to it that none of your meals are served two hours late,
hugs Madi your BFFF
dat would be awesome - though mom was mumbling something about it not helping the plants. :)
Harry would like chicken, Dexter would be fine with treats, but Tipp would only want the trickle of milk coming out of the rain gutter.
We would probably prefer Party Mix to Temptations, and some of that freeze-dried chicken stuff...
The Chans
Jimmy, how did you know exactly what we were thinking???
Sammy and Moosey
Yes, yes, let it rain treats and then make sure someone opens the window so you can eat 'em!
Ah Jimmy, you've just voiced the wish of nearly every kitty...
Star especially loves the new dairy flavor.. yum
That is the best idea ever! We are going to start staring at the sky too in the hopes that it will start raining treats soon, at the very least it might convince our Mom to give us more treats.
Gronk and Izzie
Oh yes! That would be wonderful.
we like your idea, Jimmy. Our mom thinks it could be painful...don't listen to her, she's a party pooper!
Pip, SMidgen, Minnie, Hollie
Oh Jimmy, we gots are baskets and buckets ready! All a sudden, we interested in those weather forecasts too. Hey...it's getting cloudy here!
If that happened, we would sit with our mouths wide opened!
We heard a rumor that it once rained frogs, but we would rather it rained chicken! We'll watch the sky with you, just in case.
We would love chicken rain. And treat rain would be good too. What a great idea Jimmy. Take care.
LOL that would be amazing!... We'd be out there with buckets, its raining right now here :o)
Could you make that rain cheese?
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