

Caring Ben's Tuxie Tuesday

Yesterday I lost a letter, or should I say I realized that I had lost a letter when I went to lay my hand on it and it wasn't where it should have been...in my jewel box.  This letter is extremely precious to me.

So I spent the next three hours tearing apart the bedroom looking in every single dresser drawer and storage spot that I have for bills, cards, stationary etc, examining every piece of paper, envelope, file, box, beside table, nook and cranny.  When I finally sat down on the bed to text Robert (between sobs) about my discovery, or lack thereof, I saw Ben's worried little face looking at me. 

I think he was watching me the whole time!


Mancat Monday

it has to be in here somewhere

I always put my toys away

Ben, have you seen my new nip mousie?

Oh...wait a minute...


bliss :-)


Tuxie Tuesday

Can you guess where I am?

From this vantage point I can survey my entire kingdom...

You down there, loyal subject, you may worship my Tuxiness by kissing my paw

Jimmy: "you've got to be kidding!"


World Cancer Day

Today we would like to say a prayer for every being on earth who is fighting this terrible disease...

and take a moment to remember, with so much love, our family and friends and furries who have lost their brave battles.

**comments off **


Thankful Thursday

There are few things I can think of that I am more thankful for than my cats.  They fill my days with joy, bring harmony and balance into my life, restore me when I am weary and help me to remember what is truly important.  As many of you know two of my beloved boys came from Chrystal's private rescue in Illinois; Jimmy almost a year and a half ago and Kip just four months ago.  I thank my lucky stars every day that Chrystal was able to save them as kittens which started the chain of events that led them to my house....

Kitten season is almost upon us but before it's even begun Chrystal has eleven infant kittens and three mums in her care.  That number could double in no time and there won't be any room for newcomers.  I am asking for help to spread the word that there are ten gorgeous and highly adoptable adult cats at Chrystal's cat house right now!!!  These cats have been patiently waiting for their forever homes, and an adoption at this time would free up much needed space for the the kitten crunch that is on it's way.   Please view the beautiful cats I have re-posted here from the Winnie's Wish link on Petfinder and consider opening your home and heart to give one of them or two the loving family they deserve :-)  Don't let location, yours or Chrystal's, be a deterrent in considering adoption because the Cat Blogosphere can band together and transport a kitty just about anywhere in the US or Canada!!!

I can safely say that you will not be disappointed with a Winnie's Wish kitty, they are pure LOVE!!!

Adoptable Pets from Winnie's Wish
Tabby - Grey,Domestic Medium Hair
Grand Chain, IL
Domestic Long Hair
Grand Chain, IL
Calico,Domestic Short Hair
Grand Chain, IL
Domestic Long Hair-Gray
Grand Chain, IL
Torbie,Domestic Short Hair
Grand Chain, IL
Domestic Short Hair-Gray
Grand Chain, IL
Tabby - Grey,Extra-Toes Cat (Hemingway Polydactyl)
Grand Chain, IL
Domestic Short Hair - Orange And White,Tabby
Grand Chain, IL
Tabby - Grey,Extra-Toes Cat (Hemingway Polydactyl)
Grand Chain, IL
Domestic Short Hair-Gray,Tabby
Grand Chain, IL
Home without cats preferred


The Way We Were

It's The Way We Were Day...no not the film, although while I'm on the subject did anyone else think that Robert Redford was so absolutely beautiful in that movie!?!?  Oops, I digress...
But seriously folks, it's KITTY The Way We Were Day.  A lovely little girl named Kizzie Cat just had her first birthday and thought it would be fun if we all posted our baby pictures to celebrate.

I was given this picture of Casper and his sister as babies by my friend Pauline, Casper was born under her neighbour's porch
Casper and Fluffy

This picture was taken the day after we brought Ben home...hanging with his bed buddy
Ben at five months
This is the second day we had Archie...his head was so tiny, he has such mancat cheeks now!
Archie six months
This is the first picture of adorable Jimmy and his sister, I took it from Chrystal's blog
maybe a month old?
 Kip isn't yet a year old, we've had him just over four months.  When Chrystal rescued him he was a very small baby and completely feral!  These pictures are also from her blog
not so happy in the beginning
starting to come around
Hope you've enjoyed these "misty, water-coloured memories" :-)


Ben's 3rd Gotcha Day

Thirteen has always been my lucky number, so its no surprise that March 13 (2009) is Ben's Gotcha Day.

wee Ben
He was a stray, found on the mean streets and taken to Toronto Animal Services. He had been at the shelter for a couple of weeks and was five months old.

Ben and Casper the early days
When we visited the shelter Ben worked hard to get our attention, he reached his paws outside the cage and tried to catch us as we walked by. He danced around on his hind legs and looked adorable. Robert took him out and held him towards me saying โ€œwhat about this little guyโ€?  I cradled him in my arms and he lay contentedly on his back and made happy paws in the air. 

Ben last night on my lap
I was hooked and we took him home immediately.


Time Change

On the weekend we changed the clocks.  Having lost an hour, Robert and I were still a little tired this morning when we woke up, however the boys seem to be coping quite well...





Yup, everything totally normal as far as they're concerned :-)


Wednesday with Ben

Um helloooo, is it just me or did anyone else notice that Casper hijacked my post yesterday with his pimple update.  May I remind you its called Tuxie Tuesday and not Dermatology Day...sheesh!

So here are some pictures that I planed to post yesterday and I think they are a lot more palatable than talking about my brohim's blackheads...





Wouldn't you agree???


Update on Casper

Hi all, Casper here.

I was back at the clinic on Sunday for a recheck.  This time mum was able to get an appointment with the vet that she openly adores who was out of town when we went in before.  He said it was definitely chin acne and not rodent ulcers or some sinister fungus. What a relief!  He also said sometimes it can take a couple of months for the chin acne to clear up and we should keep bathing the area with the Chlorhexidene anti-bacterial soap daily.  Luckily I don't mind having my chin washed, I just lie on my back in dad's arms with my head hanging upside down and mum cleans me and tells me I am a very good boy!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment last week and suggested treatments, it was very helpful :-)


Hats of Hope

We love you Judi and are sending our very best wishes and purrs to you!!!

Cat and the Boys,

***Comments off


Funny Friday

I came home the other morning after swimming and this is what I found...

I had to laugh because this is totally what I believe happens when I leave the house.

One of the cats whistles the "ALL CLEAR", they come running and leap onto the counters where they know they are not supposed to be, roll around on their backs kicking their feet in the air saying "ha ha mum you can't see us!!!" and lounge there for hours.

Then of course when they hear my key in the door or my steps on the porch then they scatter, but for some reason Kip got left behind or wasn't certain of the rules. This is how I found him, doing curly paws and looking up at me with his innocent expression.  I knew I should use my stern voice to tell him "down" but I just couldn't, instead I buried my face in his plush fur and smothered him with kisses....but don't tell anyone :-)

Don't you just love his crazy black lips???