Hi cats and kittens, Ben here. Everyone knows that I inspect Daddy's shirts when they come back from the cleaners. I lie on the bags, give them the once over then tell Daddy they are okay to wear...
overseeing shirts |
So just before Christmas when a load of shirts came home I knew I would be busy....but then....
Jimmy, WTF!!! |
Jimmy was totally in the way, little brothers can be tiresome sometimes
Busy Ben |
I had to improvise and assess the shirts from up top by the hangers
Jimmy thwarts Ben's efforts |
Jimmy had no clue what to do and just sat there while I checked the other side
Jimmy speaks: "Ha, ha, ha, occasionally big brothers are just far too serious and you to mess with them" :-)
Jimmy, you are NO help whatsoever!
Poor Ben, it is not fair that you couldn't carry out your inspection properly.
Those darn young ones.. they sure don't know the rules do they? Or even if they do, they don't care, MOL!
Oh my that last pic is so funny lol.Happy New Year kittys!
Siblings can be a pain sometimes, especially when they interfere with our *work*! We hope you get to do your job properly the next time, Ben!
Ben, it sure looks like you need to explain to that Jimmy that it is your job to inspect those shirts. Maybe Mom could put them in two piles so they would really get a good inspection. Hope all have a super week.
poor Ben, it's awful when you can't do your job properly
yep - pesky little brothers are the worst.... :)
Ben it looks as though Jimmy was teasing you by laying on those shirts. Just be patient and we're sure you will get your revenge!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
I think you should be proud, Ben. You've clearly taught Jimmy very well :)
I just know you will figure out how to get that inspecting done anyways!
Ben you did a great job inspecting the shirts in-spite of Jimmy's attempts to thwart you at your serious work. Youngsters just don't understand.
Like the Brits. used to say.
"Keep calm and carry on."
Good inspection job.. even with Jimmy laying their ;] - Fizz n Sage
LOL! Ben it looks like there's plenty of room for two cats to inspect those shirts!
Ben, little brothers can be very frustrating and in the way, but we think you did a great job of your shirt inspection.
I can see that you are 100% serious about your duties. Jimmy must be wishing he had such an important job. I hope and purr his little bro body didn't make extra wrinkles on the freshly laundry shirts...because you would have had to send them back for a do over.
Hugs Madi
Poor Ben....
Little brofurz are jus dat way, maybe he thinkz he suppose to press dem ? ^..^
maybe you can teach Kit to help you ^..^
You such a hard wurker Ben :) mom iz sending you smoochiez thru da puter xoxoxoxo
Ben we think you did a good job of making sure your Dad's shirts were A-OK!
Your boys are very strange indeed! I had heard that cats don't like to lie on plastic -- in fact, it was suggested as a remedy against peeing in odd places.
Anyway, it's very cute. PURRhaps they can still detect the scent of their Daddy through it all.
Ben certainly takes this duty very seriously.
And a very Happy New Year to all.
P.S. And I'm loving that new header of yours. Casper looks like he's got unruly armpit hair! LOL!
Ding-dang whippersnappers!
sigh! siblings! you both need to paw through that plastic so you can properly fur up...er...we mean, inspect the clean shirts!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
Aw, Ben...I know what it's like to have an annoying younger brother.
Brothers can be SO annoying!
I adore plastic..purrrrrrr
Mom never lets me play with it. Maybe I should teleport over to your house.
bet your Dad just LOVED that inspection lol
My Bosco could tell you all about pesky little brothers ;o)
Oh those young-uns! We admire your dedication Ben, even with challenges making your job more difficult!
Sometime it is little bros that do not understand how impawtant our work is!
PS me likes your new bog header!
Found your blog five minutes ago and I love it !
Got myself "only" two cats. Never want to miss them !
Love, Cynthia
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