
Tuxie Tuesday

Ben is such a cuddly boy....
don't tell anyone but I like to snuggle with mum

this blankie is so soft it makes me smile

mum likes my pink nose
I'm dreaming of my sweet Clementine


Mr Puddy said...

Awww !!! Your pink nose is so cute !!!
Nose kiss from my mommy : )

Forever Foster said...

Snuggling with your mum is very manly, Ben.

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh Ben, who wouldn't like your pink nosie!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You're a very sweet boy, Ben!

Catherine said...

sigh....oh the joy of a snuggly kitty. Banjo is only snuggly when I am eating yogurt. :b
xo Catherine

The Monkeys said...

Ben, you're so cute! Our Mom loves a cuddly boy.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Ben, our mom is sending you cyber-smcooches, right on your adorable pink nose. :-)

Cory said...

Oh...now Figaro is squirming because he knows that when mom sees your pink nose she'll go over and kiss on Figgy! At least my nose is safe for now.

xoxo Cory

Marg said...

You do have one cute red nose Ben. You can be Rudolph the red nosed cat this Christmas. Ben you do look like a real snuggler. Have yourselves a fun day.

Random Felines said...

You look like an expert cuddler!!! Mom wants to kiss your nose....

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Ben...your pics made us smile big time. Mom is a pink nose kitty fan and you my handsome mancat have a fine looking pink nose.
Hugs Madi

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Ben!! You are so handsome!! I will be right over to snuggle with you!!
Hugs & kisses,

Hannah and Lucy said...

Ben you look so snug in your lovely blankie.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Rene said...

Oh, you are such a doll, Ben!!!

Becky said...

Oh your a cutie Ben with that pink nose,just purfectttttt.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Mom said you look every bit as cute as Milo ~ and yoo could be twins!

Thank yoo for coming to my gotcha celebration! Alfie xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is one happy face!

Unknown said...

Mes would kiss that nose too!

Admiral Hestorb said...

OH that kissable handsome adorable FACE! XXXXXX

Sweet Purrfections said...

We love your cute nose!

Truffle and Brulee

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Oh we see dat Smile :))))))
and da mom iz sending smoochie kissez on your pink noze cauze she sayz you such a Cute Kissey Boy ! (?????)
Keep Warm Mr. Snugglez ~

meowmeowmans said...

Oh Ben, you are so adorable! And don't worry, snuggling with your mom is very mancatly! :)

Cara n Crew said...

we like your pink nose too, Ben :) Don't worry, it's ok even for mancats to like to snuggle. Sweet dreams!

Pip,Smdigen, Minnie, Hollie


Ben you are so smoochable. WE bet Clemmie loves your kitty kisses.

LP said...

Ben you are a lovely, sweet boy! Our Maman loves your bubblegum pink nose too!

the critters in The Cottage xo

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have a lovely smile. I like to snuggle with my mum too.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Oh, you are adorable! It does look like you're smiling, too.

Clooney said...

Oh Ben, you are the sweetest! We love your pink nose too!

weaverpat said...

Sweet Ben, stay warm and comfy and don't let that cute pink nose get cold.