Hi kitties, we got a zoom groom last weekend and the cats are crazy for it!
I love it when Mum zooms my fluffy tail! |
Now I should mention that Casper has always loved to be brushed and Furminator-ed, Ben was less enthusiastic but tolerated it and Archie and Jimmy....NO WAY!
Zoom groom my tummy Mummy! |
But, since we got the zoom groom, everyone is lining up for a turn including Archie and Jimmy who seem to love it!!!
Seriously folks, I shed a lot even though I have short hair! |
Little Jimmy wants to be zoomed too which makes me happy because I couldn't get near him with the brush!
Jimmy says "the zoom groom ROCKS!!!" |
All of a sudden the mom has that (former?) Nissan commercial going through her head (Zoom, zoom, zoom!). Heh.
We've never tried the zoom groom, but Derry LOVES to be brushed, so he probably would love it too!
-Fuzzy Tales
We only like the zoom groom too - it is amazing how much fur comes off a short haired cat with it and even more of a semi long haired. We don't do any brushes or combs only zooms. We know you will love your and beg to be zoomed!!
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
ps they are good to bunny kick too haha!!
Gosh, what IS that? I would like to try...
sounds like something we need to try....we has a furminator, but mom doesn't think it works quite like advertised on the short haired cats
If the kitties like it, it has to be good!
We're going to get one!!!
Casper's tail is awesome!
What the heck is a zoom groom? Pictures please - I is a country cat and don't get out shopping much - so I am ignorant of this wonderful item that has changed life at your house.
I think I have to get my humans to try this too. Maybe I would let them zoom the body parts I don't let them brush.
Oh that sounds like something we need at our house - Kirzon and Lola like brushing but then after that forget about it. We had heard of it before and seen it but it is nice to hear about it from kitties that have actually tried it!
Oh! That sounds fabulicious! Me hates being brushed. Me will have to try it. Me wonders if it works on dogs.....
You are so lucky. I have tried every brush out there, including the zoom, and no one likes anything. I still brush them despite that. . .
I might have to get myself a zoom groom! I do not have much fur though.
Oh good there are some other kitties that don't know what a Zoom Groom is. Our Mom doesn't have a clue. Wonder if Mewmew would let me do her?? Glad all four of you like it. Sounds like a winner to us. Great pictures. Take care.
I don't know what it is either, but 2 of my sisters don't like the brush so maybe they would like that!
Zoom Grooms are the BEST!!!
Tama-Chan and Bibi-Chan
Heavens! I've never heard of the "Zoom Groom", though we do have a Furminator. It must be a really good product if you have your kitties begging to be brushed. It's a good thing that Jimmy will learn to like it at an early age, though. It bodes well for the future.
And less hairballs, too!
Zoom Groom...now that sounds like fun and it appears to have the Jimmy seal of approval too.
We love that picture of him!!!
Yes Mom brushed me almost bald for one year..about every 3 months she sent a zip lock bag of my furs to our friend. Our friend kept saying send more...finally at one year she had enough to spend my furs into silver... I believe she added just a touch of gray yarn to it for filler but 99.9% is all Moi!!!
Hugs Madi
Sounds great! I'd love to get to know more about it :) and my Zoe too :)
Your kitties are so beautiful and sweet!!!
I'm going to have to google that, sounds like we need one!
I LOVE being brushed and FURminated. And Zoom Groomed. You name it. That's one way I am a girly-type girl kitty.
Zoom Groom! Sounds interesting.
All of your babies look beautiful too.
A Zoom Groom? We are going to search for one ... our Moosey isn't very fond of being brushed. :)
Oh Wow! Casper your tail iz soooo Floofy! We nefer hurd of Zoom Groom da mom iz gonna hafta check dat owt!! One of us (Morgana) used to luved to be vacumed!! But you won't see da rest of us do dat !! NO WAY! Mom sayz dat would be Good, jus in time for Spring. You guyz are lookin Really Floofed and Great !
Purrz & Headbuttz All Around ~
Um.What is a zoom groom please? We have the furminator which the fosters love but LP not so much because the fur flies everywhere...Maybe a zoom groom would be better! Leo sheds A LOT. Wowsers. We could knit a house out of his daily fur shed!
the critters in The Cottage
Oh man, I love the Zoom Groom, even more than my faux-Furminator! Fuzzy hates all brushies and most petties (unless they're on her head), and she hates the Zoom Groom. More for me, I say!!!
Your friend, Zoe
I'm going to ask my mommy to get me a zoom groom. I think that JImmy kind of looks like me ..if I had eyes..
LP just googled the zoom groom and we have one.Whoopsies. Some times LP doesn't clue in to the name of things.(Don't tell anyone but she is "special" like Lewis...).Anyhoo, Mitalee loves the zoom groom!
the critters in The Cottage
We're not much on getting brushed either and our mom was thinking of getting one of those zoom grooms. When she saw it in the store, though, she thought it looked kinda weird and that we probably wouldn't like it. But now reading your ringing endorsement of it, she's gonna go check it out again!
I love brushies too, Casper !!!
It's always put me in the zonk mode : )
Have a lovely day
MOL at Jimmy! We love our zoom groom too - and especially our doggy bro loves it :) mom whispers zoomzoom ala the old Mazda commercial and he goes nuts!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie
I haven't heard of a zoom groom, but it's great that all the cats love it! I have a furminator that Scarlett loves, but Melly is less than enthusiastic about it.
Zoom groom sounds fun!
I would love to see a video of how it works! :)
We LOVE our zoom groom too. The last pic made us :gasp: 'cos it could be us!
I am the only kitty in the house who doesn't appreciate the 'brush' or being groomed. All the other love it.
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie
Greetings dear Catrina,
Zoom Groom sounds like a great thing. We have not heard of it and wished you had a picture so we could see what it looks like. Dad uses the Furminator and though I like it, I do not when it comes to the tummy area, that is when I show him my teeth and usually leave a mark on his hand.
Dad says he will have a look for it.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you for having visited our site and commented.
Warmest regards,
Miss Kitty and Egmont
All of you look so well groomed in your photos! We love our Zoom Groom as well, so does mom.
Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike
Hahaha! I love the face Jimmy made in the last photo!
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