The cats don't usually eat together, maybe just one or two at at time. We have a large communal bowl filled with their kibble and they are free to graze throughout the day. Since there is no set "feeding time" they come and go as they please and are usually there individually.
The Chow Line |
The only thing that brings them to the kitchen en masse is salmon or tuna water that we divide into four little bowls whenever we open a tin. Salmon is the one they prefer and the second the opener punctures the tin they appear out of thin air and swirl and swarm around our legs and it is the only time I ever hear any meows; encouraging us to hurry up. The excitement builds and we have to put the bowls onto the floor at exactly the same time, Robert and I both with two in our hands "1-2-3 down!"
nom, nom, nom, nom! |
Next time I will try to take a video of the action and you will be able to hear the frenzied lapping of tongues which is surprisingly loud!
How adorable!!!
Hey guys,
You sure do look pretty happy with your faced down in your bowls.
We wonder about Mom Trish being mobbed at feeding time and anyone else who has a lot of cats!
That's a great way to get all four boys in one shot, purrfect for Mancat Monday.
BTW, we get fed canned three times a day, along with a tiny bit of kibble (not enough, as far as we're concerned), and you should hear Nicki carry on. It's like he hasn't had food in days, not mere hours. :-P
-Fuzzy Tales
We would love to see a video of the salmon/tuna juice excitement. They look so cute all in a row lapping away!
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Ha! That is adorable. Before she came to live with me, I think Scarlett used to eat canned food, because every time I opened any kind of can, she would come running! She would always be disappointed when it was something other than tuna.
I would absolutely love to see that video if you can!
That is great. I have a time here. I fix all the plates and bowls for about 8 at a time and quickly put them on the floor, or the table and they all dive in. Great picture and we would love to see a video. Take care.
We get all excited and fill the kitchen when mom opens cans of stinky goodness! She usually free feeds us kibble. She even bought a print titled "Food Bowl 500". It's a drawing of 12 cats rushing to get to their food!
By the way, we LOVE the painting that your friend did of the boys! It is beautiful.
That is a way cool buffet fur sure!!!
What wonderful pix of y'all eating together....our mama says she hopes that someday soon us boys will eat alongside boys say it's not gonna happen....not for a loooooooong time, anyway!!!!!!!!!!
We love you guys so very, very, very much!!!!!
Oh, how cute! All lined up, nomming away!
Nom nom
Tuna water
Nom nom nom
our tongues love to lap up the tuna water too.
We're like that too when there's tuna or chicken juice!! Mom says we come from nowhere when the can is opened!!
Hee..hee..hee... I just wonder while you guys eating, Do you have a competition ?..Like who is the most fastest eating !
I think salmon juice is a very exciting thing too!
this is soooo cute!!! I would love to see a video of this!
Cute! A video would be fun:) We love the painting of the boys that is now your header picture!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie
ha ha ha! We like making a sea of tails and wails too! Jimmy is getting big!
Oh, what a wonderful picture. And I love the story of the swirling, meowing kitties at the first sound of the can opener. By the way, you were saying you couldn't get a great pic of Jimmy - I'd say that sidebar pic is just about as cute as they come!
Oh dat's some good lappin for sure! YUM!
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
Feeding time! You are adorable all lined up!
We all line up in the kitchen for canned food in the morning. Bennette and I holler sometimes if mom isn't fast enough...then it gets quiet.
I can just imagine the lapping! What a cute couple of pictures.
Hello Cat,
Nice to meet you. We love your blog and stories. You have a 4 handsome cats.
WOW! Wot a buffet! Can we join yoo?
How sweet that you are all lined up!
That is a great picture all in a row. We come running if we get salmon water too, but we have to share the dish.
I just love these pictures and their accompanying 'back story'. That first picture is certainly remarkable with the added shadows -- it gives the shot a whole other dimension!
I know what you mean about getting the bowls on the floor at the same time. If you don't, the the first one down is swarmed! LOL!
This is a very special moment, I know!!!!
Must be really happy can take photos that they are get together :)
Sweet that they prefer salmon!They just might be closet West Coast cats.Heehee. They look lovely all lined up to eat their nibblies!
the critters in The Cottage
Cute! Love the tail 'placement'
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