
Update; day twelve

Hello Friends,

I thought I should write a little update so that everyone can know how I'm doing.  Surgery was long, almost five hours, but everything went well and after one night in the hospital I was discharged.  I am very lucky that my mum and sister live close by and have been an amazing help to me during my recuperation, as well as Robert of course who is my rock.  I've said to a few people it will be quite a while before I am myself again but each day is better than the last and I can see light at the end of the tunnel :-)

Kip and Archie snuggle me back to health

I would like to thank most sincerely all those who left encouraging comments on my blog, send cards, emails, facebook messages, posted about my circumstances or just thought about me in a positive way.  I cannot begin to express how this lifted me during low moments and how deeply touched I was by these expressions of friendship, each and every gesture of kindness has been very precious to me!

love to all,
cat xx


Rene said...

Awww, what a sweet photo of the boys next to you. We are glad you are recovering on schedule. Hugs and purrs to you.

Katnip Lounge said...

I was so happy when I saw a comment from you on FB, and reading this has made my day! Cat, you have been in my thoughts every single day, several times a day. Remember, you only get a chance to heal right once so take it easy, treat yourself right, and know that your only job is to recover. Fully!

xx Trish

JC said...

So good to hear from you. You have been in my thoughts. Take it easy and relax with the healing power of the purrs.


Hannah and Lucy said...

I am amazed how quickly you were able to leave hospital - a lot of this I'm sure is due to your state of mind and determination. You have Robert and the boys to take care of you and we are sure they will be excellent nurses.
Take care Cat.
Luv Hannah, Lucy and Mum Sue xx xx xx

cats of wildcat woods said...

We know your kitties take good care of you (and humans too). Sending lots of love to you for a fast healing.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Cat, it's wonderful to see an update from you.

Continued purrs and healing Light from us all.

Big hugs!

Random Felines said...

WE LOVE YOU CAT!!! Glad you are starting to feel better and the boys are taking such good care of you!

Angel Simba said...

You have been in my thoughts and prayers. It staggers me the way people are released from hospital so quickly after such major surgery, but perhaps for the better, though hard on you and family who are helping you either way. Glad to see the boys are helping to give you some love and cuddles and keep you warm.

The Mom, with purrs from Simba and Audrey as well.

Annuk said...

Oh Cat, I am SO happy that everyting went well and you are recovering!!!!
I'm sure your wonderful Hubby, your beautiful family and your sweet boys will be the best therapy now! :)
Lots of hugs and purrs!!!!!!!!
Anna & Zoe

Everycat said...

Cat we are very happy that youar home and getting excellent therapy from Dr Kip and Dr Archie, we are sending extra rumbly purrs to aid your recovery

Gerry & Mungo

Pellie / Penny said...

glad to hear that you are doing better, and that the boys are making sure you don't get lonely.


da tabbies o trout towne said...

two cat; mom of catz catz... :)

...way happee we iz.. ewe bee on de road ta ree cover ree...we hope ewe noe if ewe be drivin at like 754 MPH, ewe bee on de fast road ta ree coveree ree... N we hope ya stays that way... N forget bout de hole speedin ticket... coz de pole lease couldna catch ewe anymew...

dont forget ta eat sum trout; chillax with sum garfield mewvies; haza ham samich everee now N then; ore a few dozen pizza pies N best fishes two ewe on de journee ahead

headbonks...ouch...frum de trouterz N R food service purrson laura

meowmeowmans said...

Cat, it's so nice to hear from you, and we are glad you are getting better each day. And how wonderful that you have your mum and sister, Robert and the boys to take such good care of you, too.

We continue to purr and pray, and to send much love and positive energy your way.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

So glad to hear you are doing better, and are under the constant supurrvision of your loved ones..

Continued purrs until you are well..


Thank you for thinking of us and posting this update today. You have been on my mind and I so glad to hear that things are improving and that you are regaining your strength. This picture of you with the kitties is so glorious. Know that the purrs are helping ease your heart and hasten your recovery!

Sparkle said...

I am so glad you checked in - my human and I think about you lots. I am glad you are continuing to get better, and I am purring for you to STAY better!

Team Tabby said...

We are so glad to hear from you and to hear everything went well following your surgery. Hugs and purrs!!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are still sending love, hugs and purrs to you. It was sooooooo nice to hear from you.

Mr Puddy said...

Mom Cat, so glad to hear from you. Purrs more for your recovery and many hugs , just for you
Take Care

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad to hear you are feeling better every day. We have been thinking of you. It looks like the boys are being very good with their nursing duties. Purrs from us and (((hugs))) from our mum.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are so happy that your recovery is going smoothly and Kip and Archie (and the rest of your family!) are looking after you so well!

Sweet Purrfections said...

It's so good to hear from you. We're purring for a quick and successful recovery.

Truffle and Brulee

laurence said...

I was worried about the absence and am reassured to read.
good rest, thank you for the news.

je suis contente de vous lire, bon repos et merci pour les nouvelles.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oh Cat! I'm so glad your surgery went well! We're purring and praying for your continued recovery! Looks like your kitties are taking good care of you, the sweeties.
Thank you for the update!

Pretinha said...

I'm happy with the good news, take care of yourself, and do not forget that "no time to wound healing and no time, no time to cry and a time to laugh."

Angie said...

So glad things went well and Archie and Kip are there to nurse you back with loads of love and purrs ...who could ask for more xx

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

there is nothing better than Kitty Nurses. Wishing you less and less pain with each passing day ((((hugs))))

The Island Cats said...

We are purring for you, Cat! We know those kitties will take good care of you!! oxoxox

Tamago said...

Cat, we are so happy to see your update from yourself!! It must be still hard in many ways but glad you are going toward better every day.
Looks like your babies are taking very good care of you :-) We continue sending our purrs and prayers to you. Wishing your full recovery soon!

Quill and Greyson said...

Glad you are doing better all the time. Purrs an hugs to you Cat!

Oui Oui said...

We have been thinking of you & purring for you too! We hope you are feeling better soon. Isn't it nice to have so many caring for you? And its nice to know the kitties are doing their job too.

Alex aus dem Gwundergarten said...

Oh dear, I missed that information. I hope so much for you that you will get to strenght soon. Your boys (four and two legged) will surely help you and of course all our good thoughts for you.
Take care and I send you a big hug.

E. Smith said...

So happy you are doing better, and based on the photo, in great company! Thanks for keeping us posted.

John Bellen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John Bellen said...

I am glad to read that your recovery is progressing. I've been checking your blog but of course didn't expect to find anything right away. I read the note Fuzzy Tales wrote about your progress a week or so ago.

I am surprised that you were discharged from the hospital after only one night following such a long operation, but I guess that's the way it's done these days.

I wish you good luck in your recovery and am glad that you have a wonderful spouse, family and, of course, pets, to speed you on your way to full health.

Cat with a Garden said...

With these great kitty nurses everything will be fine. Our purrs are constantly coming too.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

We All are so happy to hear from you and thought ov you often, sending loud puurrayrz to cieling cat you make you better! ^..^ We know from experience dat kitty luv iz da BEST medicine ^.,^ we hopes da wurst iz ofur, as we will continue owr purrayez fur speedy recover ^.,^ x6 โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅxoxoxo

*Warm Hugs* from da mom :)

Michele said...

With those high quality nurses, you'll be back on your feet in no time. Best of luck to you.

A Tonk's Tail said...

You made OUR day with this post - and when we saw your comment on our blog yesterday. *HAPPY dance!*

Wishing you a speedy recovery and robust health!

michico๏ผŠAdan๏ผŠLego-ๅฐ่Šฅ๏ผŠ้˜ฟไธน๏ผŠๆจ‚้ซ˜ said...

We wish you recovery soon,
and they are so sweet just next to you for comfort!! They help a lot.

Clarissa said...

We are so glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery. We are purring for you to feel all better soon. Our grandma and our aunty (mom's best friend) went through this same ordeal and came out with flying colors! Mom said to tell you that you are in her prayers. *Whiskers kisses* from all 15 of us!

GLOGIRLY said...

We're so happy to hear you are doing well and recovering day by day. You are in our thoughts, Cat.

Cory said...

We think of you every day and send our love and purrs. We know you are in good paws with your boys watching over you.

xoxo Cory and family

Anonymous said...

Morning Catrina,

So happy to hear you are doing well and starting to feel like yourself again.

I am here if you need anything.


Unknown said...

Meow trying to go viral. Please help meow: http://www.ragtimelolcat.com/

For the lols,

Marilia said...

Glad to ear the news!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are feeling well enough to touch base. We've been thinking of you. Mom's been there and knows it takes some time to get strong and feel well again. But you will. You are upper-most in our thoughts and prayers.

Big hugs,

Lizzie & 3 kitties

My Mind's Eye said...

We missed this but are caught up now and will be checking in daily...
Hugs to your entire family 2and 4 leggers
madi and mom

Clooney said...

Dearest Cat, so happy to read your update and hear that your surgery went well! You are on my mind every single day and I send you many, many good thoughts of health and healing. Tiri would love to be part of the kitty pile to love you into full recovery (and cuddle with her Mancat of course).

Love Karyn

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

So good to hear you posting again.
Been thinking about you.

CricriCat said...

Je suis ravie de te retrouver Cat. Je te souhaite bon courage et un bon rรฉtablissement. Bisous. Cricri

Fenris and Family said...

So good to hear you are on the mend. I know this is a difficult time for you but I know the cats will help you get through it. Hugs & Prayers ~Alasandra

Anonymous said...

So happy to see a post from you. I read your blog often but don't post much. That said, you have been in my thoughts since I read your previous post. Take care and soak up those kitty lovins!

Patti in KY

Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope you are continuing to recover and do better each day. You certainly have some heavy snuggle power there. Hugs and get well wishes.