
To Tree or Not to Tree

It took me ages to decide if we were going to have a tree this Christmas...in the end it was yes :-)

In recent years I have been struggling with the reality that it is unfair to put out all kinds of dangling, sparkling temptations and then tell the cats they can't play with them.  Molly lived to nineteen, so it had been a very long time since I was concerned young cat shenanigans but that all changed when Casper arrived on the scene almost four years ago.

Kip has shown no interest at all in the tree

I still have some glass baubles on the higher branches, but since Casper I've been modifying things so now the tree is mostly decorated with ornaments made from substances that are pretty harmless if they fall off.  Here are just a few...

fabric snowballs
cardboard snowflakes adorned with fluffy stuff
these are paper if you can believe it...hand quilled

wooden hummers

feather and metal

So perhaps my tree isn't quite as elegant as in years past but I'm happy to know that if the boys just can't leave things alone (Ben) at least they will be as safe as possible :-)

beaded snowflake


Angel Simba said...

Just beautiful.

Go for it, Ben!!

Random Felines said...

you guys are so lucky...mom refuses to put up a tree.... Have fun, be safe, and have a great Catmas!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is as it should be, and your tree is very, very pretty!

Fuzzy Tales said...

You have beautiful ornaments on your tree, Cat. They don't have to be made of glass to be lovely!

Unknown said...

Yes! A tree. Wes always has trees, but Mommy never puts the glass ornaments on any more-cept way up high or hanging from garland around the window. We has special cat ornaments at the bottom in case they gets knocked down or played with and wes gots a fake tre to stops me from climbing it.

Marg said...

We think your tree is really pretty. What a great idea to have those kind of ornaments that are unbreakable. Our Mom didn't put up a tree since she knew that it would be destroyed in 30 seconds but we would have had such a good time.Take care and have a great Sunday.

Tamago said...

What a beautiful tree! Your ornaments are just lovely and it's a great idea to put ones made from harmless substances. I love the paper one - can't believe it's paper! So pretty.
I wish you all a wonderful holiday!!

Cara n Crew said...

hee hee! the last picture is classic! Your tree is lovely and the ornaments are beautiful! We're pretty good with our little tree and mom sticks to unbreakable ornaments...though with Minnie, she can find a way to break even those, mol!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Katnip Lounge said...

We would like to come over, and, um, "admire" your pretty tree. Yup, just look at it. That's all. No playing or anything.

Mommy, we are NOT fibbing!

::grumble grumble::

The Island Cats said...

Oh pretty dangly things!! Our mom is having second thoughts about having a tree up since Ernie keeps climbing it. But fortunately, we don't have a lot of breakables on ours either!

ZOOLATRY said...

Nothing much prettier than a
pretty-kitty-tree. Just purrfect!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Beautiful! We're glad you decided to have a tree! #1 puts delicate ornaments at the top and wooden/other ones lower down plus a few seriously whappable ones for fun!

The Chans

Cory said...

What a beautiful tree! We think we'd pout if we didn't get a tree. Nigel spends most of his time sleeping under the tree. We think it reminds him of how lucky he is to be inside.

Hope you boys enjoy your tree without trying to pull the ornaments off!

Sparkle said...

I have to say those "ornaments" totally look like barely disguised cat toys!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

"not as elegant?" I think this is exquisite!!

I have to agree with Sparkle, those ornaments DO look like cat toys!

the ones made out of paper are hugely intriguing to me!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Your tree is beautiful! I would never have guessed it was intentionally cat-proofed if you hadn't given a run-down of the ornaments. It's very elegant.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

The tree looks lovely and we love the paper ornament and the wooden hummer.

Clooney said...

Your tree and ornaments are gorgeous. And Ben is a cutie!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We think your tree is even more special because it a cat-safe. And we love the pics.

Remembering your beautiful Bridge Angels Molly and Max at Christmas. xx

Forever Foster said...

The hand quilled paper is amazing! We have never seen anything like it. We think your tree is pretty :)

CCL Wendy said...

Who cares about elegance? Certainly not the kitties! It's most thoughtful of you to put all of these special, unbreakables on the tree for them to play with. It must warm your heart to see them go at it.

With five cats, any Christmas tree in your house is going to be one big cat toy. So, you'll have to put it up every year from now on -- y'hear?

Merry Christmas to you and your fur family!

Rene said...

Gorgeous tree! And Ben's pic was adorable. We use all plastic ornaments and ribbon on our tree.

My Mind's Eye said...

WELL DONE CAT. You find a way to safely blend the lives of humans and inquistive kitties. Your tree is absolutely gorgeous!!
The last pic of Ben is too funny.
Hugs Madi and Mom


Absolutely purrfection!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

You haz a furry pretty Chrismouse tree ^..^ .
Da mom sayz "Good Luck":)She hopez yourz are Better Behaved.....
( ^..^ mom what do you mean by dat ^..^)She sayz we don't do treez ^..^ she'z not in da mood to be shock woken at 3 am to a
C R A S H !!!! ^..^
You boyz are furry lucky, your beanz trust you ^..^ (hehehehe)

Quill and Greyson said...

We love it! Thanks so much for your kind words at my retirement party! We still hope to lurk about here.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

I'm passing along an award to you! Info will be in tomorrow morning's post :)

Samantha & Mom said...

What a a beautiful tree!! We love how cat friendly it is, too!!
Your TX furiends,

Oh Ben you are so cute playing with the ornaments! I'll be under the mistletoe waiting for you!!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

What a gorgeous tree!! How festive!!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oh my gosh, I love that last picture! Sorry, I know you probably dont.. but it's impossibly cute!

Catherine said...

Haha - it looks like it is a good thing your gree decorations are kitty safe! Too cute!
xo Catherine