
Thankful Thursday

Hi cats and kittens we've had a little excitement around here that we'd like to tell you about.

Our Santa Paws package arrived the other day from those dashing English mancats Eric and Flynn.  First mum said we had to wait until Christmas to open it, but we sulked and she relented.

It was filled with a great assortment of goodies, please enjoy the pictures of us enjoying the generosity of Eric and Flynn :-)

Wow look at all this stuff

Casper can hardly wait until I open the packages

springing, dangling, jingling fun

so many goodies!

plague rats filled with valerian, note the double footed bunny kick

Kip tries to get second plague rat out of the package

yummy treats

Jimmy digs in while Ben looks on

Archie checks out the assorted mousies while has a turn with the other rat
Thank you Eric and Flynn for the wonderful Christmas gifts, you guys were awesome secret Santas!!!!


Sparkle said...

What awesome presents! You guys got really cool gifts!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oooohhh!! Plague rats!! We named ours 'Stink Rat'!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oooohhh!! Plague rats!! We named ours 'Stink Rat'!

Teddy Westlife said...

You boys are so lucky!

Marg said...

Wow, that Eric and Flynn are just terrific aren't they to send you all those fantastic toys and things.Looks like all of you are going to have such a good time. Santa sure came early at your house. What lucky kitties you are. Take care.

Fuzzy Tales said...

What a terrific package! And you boys were so lucky you got to open it before Christmas Day. Sulking was a great strategy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You. sure got some wonderful gifts from two wonderful boys!!! Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!

Hannah and Lucy said...

What a wonderful package - you boys will have fun hour after hour with all those goodies. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Island Cats said...

What a great Secret Paws package! Eric and Flynn fixed you up good!! Have fun!!

Rene said...


CCL Wendy said...

How wonderful! And it's fantastic that all five of your boys can share in the fun. I guess it's Kip first Christmas ever!

Those plague rats are something else! The ones we had tend to get all slimy from the drool.

Eric and Flynn certainly are very generous and kind-hearted.

Enjoy your pre-Christmas stash, boys -- I'm sure there's more to come!

Have a very Merry Christmas all!

Unknown said...

How lucky that yous guys gots to open early Christmas presents! And a Valarian Plague rat! WOW!

My Mind's Eye said...

WTG guys you have some fantastic loot from our friends Eric and Flynn. How nice of them to be sure that each of you had something of your very own to play with.

Enjoy your treats and toys.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Great stash of goodies! We really love those treats too!

The Chans

meowmeowmans said...

Me-WOW! What an amazing package of prezzies you boys got from Eric and Flynn! Those plague rats look like so much fun! :)

Happy Christmas to you, and your mum and dad, too!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

plague rats?? lol, wonderful! What a bunch of great gifts! Those kitties are having a very merry Christmas!

The Florida Furkids said...

That was an amazing Secret Paws package! Eric and Flynn did a
great job!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad your package arrived safely and that customs didn't take the treats. We love the plague rats too.
Flynn: I have to confess that I love them so much that I chewed through the original bag they were in before mum had chance to package everything up. She had to put them in a zip lock bag so the smell didn't knock the customs people out. You may have a bit of Flynnie smell on them.


Now that's what I call a Secret Paws!
You will have months of enjoyment!!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

That looks like a great package, kitties!

Cory said...

Oh wow that looks like a wonderful stash of toys!

Unknown said...

Yippie! Our presents from your arrived and wes opened them! Stop by and see our post and wish Koz a happy Gotcha Day!

weaverpat said...

The boys are really enjoying their gifts!!!
Isn't it fun to watch them play with new toys?
Hope all of you have a delightful Christmas!

michico๏ผŠAdan๏ผŠLego-ๅฐ่Šฅ๏ผŠ้˜ฟไธน๏ผŠๆจ‚้ซ˜ said...

Merry Christmas to all of you!!

Oui Oui said...

What great gifts! You kitties really hit the jack pot!

Anonymous said...

Oooh how exciting! Nothing better than getting prezzies in the mail ;o)
Happy Holidays! =^..^=

Clooney said...

Wow, you guys sure scored big with your Secret Paws, how cool! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you! Love from Oliver, Ruby and Rose xxxx

Tamago said...

What a wonderful present you got!! Everyone is enjoying a lot...what happy photos :-)
We wish you all a very happy holiday season. Merry Christmas!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Eric and Flynn are the best shoppers!! What great gifts...
Madi and Mom