This is the cat's feeding station in the corner of the kitchen. It has to be elevated, because the woofie has a penchant for cat kibble. It's just a casual grazing situation at our house with no specific mealtimes.
But sometimes a line-up forms and diners have to wait their turn
nom, nom, nom |
and occasionally a diner gets fed up waiting and has to come back later
sheesh man you eat slow |
Casper likes to take his time and savor every bite
that was yummy |
Good thing the kitchen is open 24 hours :-)
did he leave anything for me? |
I loved the just get to go eat, No competition. Casper, you beautiful thing!
makes us glad we are waiting here!!
A WOOFIE? I don't think we knew about the woofie. Let me guess: the woofie came with daddy?
When our family had a crawling/toddling/into things human in the family, the cats started getting fed on the counter. That went on for years since they got used to it!
Oh Casper, getting to eat whenever you wish must be so pawsome. We have scheduled feedings because of someone's DIET.~ Your, Mouse
You boys have a very cool feeding station! We have been away so much lately that we don't know about the woofie, so we'll have to read back on your blog a bit.
My cats eat at the same time except the oldest who is 14 likes coming back within 5 minutes and meowing for more LOL.This is a cute setup.
What a nice Mom you all have. Your very own private Cafe Kibble 24/7 w/o Rio interference...and a stool. Your Mom is very clever!!
I, Madi, must admit I admire each of your for not eating the entire bowl...I'm not much of a grazer..if Mom put all that out for me I'd eat it all. Oink Oink.
Hugs Madi aka Miss Piggy
We have a very similar set-up replete with white bowls! :)
Exactly for the same reason-little doggies with an appetite for cat kibble! In the "cottage" or spare suite , LP puts the kibble on a pine chest and our bowls are blue- so we have two feeding stations each open 24/7!
We like how you have a stool in front of your feeding station-your Mama thinks of everything and is so thoughtful!
the critters in The Cottage xo
Such a nice restaurant your Mom runs for you...but we think she needs to open a cafe in another location; you might score more fuudz that way!
Such a nice restaurant your Mom runs for you...but we think she needs to open a cafe in another location; you might score more fuudz that way!
A table for one, please.
Thank you for the comforting words and purrs at our loss of Mac. WE will miss Mac but know he is no longer in pain.
Heh. Ours is only open for like 15 minutes, twice a day (because 2 out of 3 cats here are pigs). But I have pull with the staff (because I am underweight), and can get them to open just by asking!
Oh it's a nice dining area with waiting chair and all :-) I wonder if it sometimes gets crowded or they usually wait for their turn.
Casper, take your time :-) It's good to chew the food well!
woo hoo an all night diner!
Thank you for your sweet purrs while Momma has been recuperating from my bitey...
WE didn't know you had a woofie either. But that is nice that the cafe is open 24 hours. You just have fuds all the time. Great place for it too. Have a nice evening.
Like Katnip Lounge said, you need another diner 'bout our house? ;-/ ::sigh:: our local eatery only serves breakfast and dinner at certain times.
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
What a polite crew. We have one pig who would steal that entire buffet!
Cool !!! 24/7 !!! and all you can eat ! Do your mom love to adopted another handsome tuxedo ?...Tee..heh
We think you need more bowls!!
Cool raised eating area!
We get wet foods for breakfast and dry all day. You can stop by any time you like!
that area is so stylish it looks like their own little artsy cafe!
OMC !!
Do there live a woofie in your house ??!!
Great that the kitchen is open 24 hours :)
Hey, no fair! Our kitchen is not open 24 hours like yours!
Well, they certainly have a beautiful set-up. It's almost like dining in an upscale cafe!
I must say you surprised me when you mentioned a woofie! I didn't know you had one. Pictures please!
That is a very stylish cafe for sure and you can beat them hours!
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