Hi cats and kittens, our friends at
Bengal Business gave us a cool award. If you haven't met James and Lars yet, pop over to say hello!
Now we are supposed to tell you seven unknown things about ourselves...hmmm this might be difficult since our lives are an open book, so how about we tell you six
lesser known things about us and one thing you DEFINITELY didn't know...
1. Even though Archie looks long and lean he is actually the heaviest of the cats
I'm secretly tubby |
2. Casper has a twin sister but she is not deaf
meet Fluffy |
3. Mum doesn't like Ben's high wire act
sheesh mum I'm a big boy! |
4. Jimmy gives mummy nose kisses every day!
I'm adorable non? |
5. Archie has spots AND stripes
my coat is cool! |
6. Ben is a Daddy's boy
cuddle me papa! |
7. We've lived with a woofie for almost a year!
Hi I'm Rio |
We would like to pass this award on to out sweet friends
Niko and Goro
WOWZA! We enjoyed those facts and are amazed at the similarities between us! Alfie gives mom nose kisses EVERY day ~ and I'm (Milo) a daddy's boy. And mom hates Alfie doing a high wire act ('cos he hasn't got the same good balance I have).
Love Milo xx
How nice to get to know you even better!
You all diserve the award!
xoxo Lars and James
There was lots to learn about you all there - we didn't have a clue you lived with a woofie - do you all gang up on him?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Congrats on the nice award and thanks for sharing those cool things about you!
Concats on your award.....we loved learning more about y'all......we send our love.
we finks that's a furry fittin' award you got there! an' it's nice to know mores about you all. we doesn't get to visit around too much anymores, but we will make sure to drop in when we DO get a chance! thanks fur visitin' us, an' "dewdropinn" again!
OMC - you are right - those baby pics of Casper and his sister do look like the kitten girls we are fostering!! TOO CUTE!
Concatulations on your cool award! We really liked those facts ... Moosey likes to give nose kisses every day, too. :)
Congrats on your award. We sure like the looks of Rio. What fun to live with a dog. We have two doggies here and they are both very nice to us. Good for you to give nose bumps to Mom Jimmy. Good stuff. Take care
Ben, Lewis was an excellent high wire walker too.Gah. It must be a tuxedo cat thing! Teehee.
Archie, your coat IS coolio! Casper it doesn't surprise us at all that you were so adorable as a kitten 'cause you are so darn cute now! Jimmy, Leo is our nose kissing love machine here at The Cottage.Rio, we think you are absolutely fabulous!
Whew. We think we got everybuddy :)
the critters in The Cottage
Oh WOW!!! Thanks for sharing all that neat info about you all!! And Ben please be careful!! Also please feel free to take a copy of the picture Mom made!! It was suppose to animate, but for some reason it didn't!! And I'll be right over to play with you!!
Love & Hugs,
Congrats on the award...great facts about each of you!
~Four Crazy Cats
I enjoyed learning more about all of you! I think Ben's high wire act is pawsome and I'm bummed we don't have something like that here for us!
It's true! You all are Irresistibly Sweet!
We love learning new things about our friends!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Rio is absolutely fits in with you handsome kitties, as he is one handsome K9!! Is he a Labrodoodle? Now that really surprised us. You 4 and mom are very good secret keepers.
Hugs Madi
Concats on your award. How did you manage to keep your woofie a secret? We would have had to tell.
Ben! Be careful up there!!
Congrats on you award!
PURRS! We love finding new fings out, fanks fur sharing!
I don't think my Mom would like that high wire act either. As for the woofie, my heart goes out to you since I have lived with one for FOUR YEARS! MOL!!! Concats on your award! Love, Cody
Congratulations on the award!!! Loved reading about you guys!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly
Congrats on your award! Jimmy is adorable, oui oui! We had no idea you had a Woofie, wow!
Congrats on your award - and I didn't know you had your own dog! Hi Rio!
Woof...wha? Inquiring woofies want to know more about Rio!!!!
Tail Wags,
Grete Lou
Concatz on your Award,,, You are a bunch of sweet guyz, you deserve a sweet award ^..^
Can't believe Ben'z high wire act Whew!!!! and Casper haz a sis called Fluffy ?
Mom thinkz they are both "GORGEOUS"
Sunny sayz from da rear, Archie & him lookz da same ^..^ Rio sure iz a pretty woofie az far az woofiez go....... ^..^
Purrz Guyz ~
Congratulations on your award!
And oh my goodness, did we get the award? Thank you so much. We feel so honored!
We enjoyed knowing you better. Ben's high wire act scares me, too...please be careful, please be careful...!!! Like him, my Goro is a daddy's boy :-)
Jimmy you are such a sweetie.
Great information about all of you.
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