Let me tell you cats and kittens there was big drama at our house yesterday. ALL the cats went to the V-E-T!
interested in the carriers until they were put inside |
Benjamin and Archie were scheduled for their annual check-ups and were going anyway at this time of year. Casper missed his annual in November so I added him to the check-up schedule and somehow he had never been micro-chipped, so he got one yesterday too. Jimmy had some health issues when he first came to us and we decided not to micro-chip him at that time but wait until he was bigger and stronger. Well yesterday was as good a time as any since his brothers were going, so I made an appointment for him also. Off we went four cats in two carriers to see the fabulous and patient Dr. D.
Casper and Archie in the big carrier |
Ben and Jimmy in the smaller carrier |
Casper was of course an absolute angel, he is so gentle and easy and that even extends to the vet; he weighs 11lbs. Benjamin was also a gem (perhaps terrified) and did not put up any fuss at all; he is a petite 8lbs. Archie who is a very happy-go-lucky boy struggled a little when he had his temperature taken (I would too) and gave a few growls when he got his vaccination; weighs in at a robust 12lbs. Little Jimmy at ten months old is 7lbs. and had the most disagreeable reaction to his micro-chip. He hissed and growled and tried to bite the vet, he wriggled from my grasp and hid under my coat. He was not happy but I promise you it was worse for me. He is such a loving boy, I have NEVER seen him like that! As a result the doctor could not get the chip injected and had to try again in "the back" where I'm sure a few technicians were enlisted to hold him steady.
finished and ready to go home |
Well thank goodness that is over for a while. Jimmy will have his annual check in November but the other three are now done until next year...phew! When we got home and opened the carriers they all bounded out simultaneously and much bathing ensued. Everyone seemed to recover quickly however Casper talked about it all night and mummy had to have a big glass of wine!
Jimmy not looking too thrilled about the whole experience |
Yuck, the vet!! But I'm glad you're all ok :)
MOL.. I think I like Casper , He does talking and mommy does listening with big glass of wine : ) I really got a picture !
And I'm so happy everything went well with all of you : )
Wow, 4 at once! I bet they got some consolation from going together and being trauamtized together!
Oh my!!! I know the kitties get stressed out when they go to the V-E-T, but sometimes I think it's worse on the parents! I am always a nervous wreck by the time we get home, even when they behave perfectly.
Cat, you are a brave woman taking them all at once! Poor little Jimmy, he must have been scared to death! I got a great chuckle over Casper retelling the story all evening.
OMC, all four at once?! It was an ordeal just to take 2 of us at once time!
Hey, way to go, Jimmy! We think you have potential as a vet killer. We're very impressed with your cattitude!
-Fuzzy Tales
P.S. The mom says she'd need a double rye or maybe half a bottle of wine after that. LOL!
OMC! The V-E-T! We're glad that you're all home now, safe and sound and above all, healthy!
Poor little Jimmy. THREE people had to hold Teddy down to get his nails trimmed last time. Three.
Oh my COD! What an ordeal for EFURRYBUDDY!
We are happy that you boys are all chipped now and good to go! Only 3 of us are chipped. The only time mom gets to hold Bandit is when he goes to the vet. He will lay against her and try to stick his head under her arm.
Wow, what a day for all of you and your Mummy too! We're glad everything checked out okay and that it's over for a while!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Pee Ess ... great idea to go into relax mode with the glass of wine Cat :)
Momma Jan
We think our mum would have wanted a glass of wine for each cat!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Yup a big glass of wine is very much in order after taking four cats to the vet. Poor Jimmy. Hope he feels better today. Guess he had it by the time they did the micro-chip. Hope all of you have a fun day.
We are impressed that the four of you go so (relatively) easily! Our mom struggles taking two of us...and needs a bottle of wine after :D
Glad efurryone had great check-ups!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and HOllie
MOL Cat!!!And Mom thought taking me to the vet was an ordeal...she would have needed a case of wine if she had to take 4.
I, Madi, am a little embarassed to read that I weigh more than Benjamin and Jimmy. MOL
Wow! You are very brave to take all four at once! The most I have done is two at a time.
Dante gets very disagreeable at the V-E-T, and I have been scratched trying to hold still his 21 lbs. of brawn.
I think maybe Jimmy reacted less well than the others because the upheaval of his early months is still such a recent thing. He trusts you now, but this obviously does not extend to all strangers.
You're fortunate that the other three were well-behaved.
My Domino is a diva at the V-E-T just like anywhere else. She is uber-relaxed, and likes to take over even in the examination room. She will swat at the V-E-T when given the needle, but it's usually just a warning swat.
Anyway, you were asking about Dante and if he likes to be brushed. Not by me, he doesn't! He's better with his Dad because he's not as fiddly. However, Maine Coons have amazing fur that doesn't require frequent grooming. They say once a week is enough. Dante does a fantastic job of keeping himself very clean and relatively knot-free. Whenever I have the opportunity, I try to gently rid his fur of any knots with my hands (by pulling the knot apart).
Also, the pictures with the green grass today were actually taken in April last year. We still have the brown, and even the last vestiges of snow -- just like you.
Anyway, I'm glad all your boys are healthy -- and happy, now that they're all home again. Kudos to you! Little wonder you needed some wine.
WOW! Me is such a handful, Mommy and Daddy always takes me to the vet by myself! And everybody has to wear welding gloves! To get my shots, it took Mommy and the vet's helper to hold me down (all 6 pounds of me) and forget about the temperature-that ainnt gonna happen!
Me thinks the best part for your Mommy was the glass of wine after (that's what my Mommy says anyway)
Kisses to all yous good kitties
Wow, we can't believe you took four cats to the vet at once! We usually do two and once three (though everyone is in their own carrier). Poor Jimmy--it's hard to know how they will react to something like that. We hope he got a few extra treats after he got home and calmed down.
Hi Rene, to answer you question yes they all got treats when we returned home which they ate grudgingly - LOL! It took Jimmy a while to stop sulking and put his little tail up in the air again...which of course made me feel even worse! Although I must admit that this morning I was awakened with his usual cuddles and nose kisses, so everything seems to be back to normal. Thank goodness!!!!
Holy canoli! Our mom has problems just taking me and Ernie together! She says she can't imagine taking 4 at once!! And there's no way she'd get us both in one carrier!! You guys are really good!
Glad you all checked out and that's over now!
What a drag. My mom works at a veterinary surgical hospital and takes me to work all the time. I don't know what happens at your vets office, but at mine I get kisses, treats and carried around by a lot of different people. Sometimes I try to tell all the patients what is going to happen to them, but my mom won't let me.
Although once it was MY man parts that got taken away..I was NOT happy...boohisss
Huuuuuu, I know what your're talking about. I've got just one cat and it is every time like hell. But as soon as we're home again, Noah walks into the kitchen because he knows he's getting something very special as a reward. And after the torture I need not only a glass of Wine but a chocolate too :o).
Greetings from Switzerland
Oh my. I had to laugh at Jimmy's reaction! It reminded me of the first time I took Leo to the vet. Leo is way back laid back and truly a gentle giant but when I took him to the vet he turned into a lion! I was in shock. When the vet tried to take his temperature he opend his great mouth (he is 18 pounds!) and showed his great big teeth and roared.Peter and the vet both scurried to the other side of the room.Seriously! It was impressive.I walked up to him and picked him up until he felt calmer!
Well boys you are healthy, well and home.Yipee!
the critters in The Cottage
OK - we aren't sure why mom thought that was funny, but she is laughing. Something about being able to relate....
How did your human manage to get all four of you into carriers and off to the vet on the same day?! That is quite an accomplishment.
Hey gang, there is one good thing about going to the vet...that's when it's over!!!
My mom says your mom is her hero! She says it's tough enough to get just one kitty to the vet.
Oh my gosh, 4 at once! I'm sure it was tough, but probably also a relief to just have it all over with!
OMC, what a day! You are brave to handle all four at once. My Mommeh cannot even handle the two of us together!
Wow folks, you had quite the adventure huh? (I find vet trips very stressful so good you had some wine after the fact.) It's good you all went together at once and that all is well. Poor little Jimmy, it must be that he had settled so much in and the vet reminded him of his earlier times of change and uncertainty. I'm glad the little sweetie was all back to normal in the morning. (PS: Thanks for your congratulations earlier, I didn't know about Neytiri until I read your comment!)
Oh man, I don't like going to vet either. I don't care how nice he is - I don't like going.
Glad all you guys did well and hope you got treats when you came home.
Oh, Jimmy. You must have been so scared! Glad it is over...for now. I hope he will feel more secure next time.
I laughed when I read about Casper talking about the visit all night and mom had to have wine :-)
you certainly are brave to take them all at once! Glad everyone is fine!
Oh, I've missed so much without my computer. Thanks for directing me over today to hear about Jimmy's ordeal. Also - LOVE the pic of them side-by-side out on the bed (yesterday).
OMC you poor things! Glad it all went well though and you don't have to go back for ages.
Aww, poor little Jimmy. His reaction to the vet sounds a lot like Scarlett's - it's so horrible to watch, isn't it?
Mom is nodding in quiet understanding this morning since she likes to drag us at the same time to the vet. She thinks as long as she's taking one of us, she should take 2-4 of us! We got a dreaded card in the mail from our vet saying my momma and I are due for shots...so we are curious who else will get dragged along too!
Glad you all did well and that Jimmy forgave your mom.
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