Oh boy I'm exhausted! Yesterday my lovely
Clemmie and I had a picnic and she invited all our friends to come and join us. We had tons of fun and played and played all day. Today I'm napping and not moving at all.
I'm staying like this all day |
Ok, I'll admit I moved a little...but not much!
Mummy says my tummy is snorgleable :-) |
NOTE: Sorry folks I meant to press post options and I pressed publish instead; oops! oh well my Tuesday post will be a little early.
What a cute tummie!
You do look all tuckered out!
That is a lovely tummy. It's okay, it was Tuesday here when you posted.
I hope you had a good nap.
Love your tuxie tummy
What a beautiful tummy!! We'd like to give you tummy rubs but it might wake you up!! You are gorgeous! Lots of love, Holly and mom
I'm glad you had a great time, now finish that nap!
Ben looks so cute and comfy!
Socializing can be exhausting.
I hope dear little Sparkle finds a good person to give her a loving home. Oh, I wish...
we are glad that your post is early! It gives us that much more time to look at that adorable kitty!
Oh, I love that fluffy tummy! I have such a weakness for white paws and belleh floof.
Oooh! Extra time to munch on that yummy tummy!
We had a lot of fun at the picnic!
We love your mom's words " tummy is snorgleable " because is so true !
So cute and fluffy : )
Puddy and Mom Boom
That is so funny! My mom did the same thing tonight, but she made the post a draft so it won't appear for another half hour on blogger, but it's already showing up in Google Reader.
Your tuxie tummy is just begging for a snorgle!
You are Target today should say, SNAP!
That tummy needs KISSES!! (that was from Rumblemum)
Such lovely lovely sleeping pose~!
We want to snuggle with you!
Doesn't matter, it's Tuesday here anyway.
Ben, that sure is a great picture of you napping. Glad you had a good picnic with Clemmie. Sounds like great fun. Hope you have a great day.
You're so adorable when you're napping, Benjamin! We love your cute tummy!
Ben, it was a pawsome picnic! We understand why you have to rest to recover your energy.
And yes, your belly is VERY snorgleable!
It is a most wonderful Tuxie Tummy, Ben. Have a nice sleeps!
What a lovely and most snorgable tummy! Our mom wants to kiss your tummy so you'd better watch out! Enjoy your napping!
Clarissa & Co.
That is a pawesome tummy!
What can I say?? Such a sweet post!
Mommy wants some of that tummy! So, be still while she creeps ever closer and starts munching, She is always munching mine!
You are nothing short of adorable, Ben!!!!!!!!!
What a lovely tum tum
Snorgle snorgle snorgle!!!
You're a very cute napper, Ben!
Oh Ben! You are so darned cute curled tummy side-up like that! You make me want to snorgle that belly.
I'm happy that you and your girl had so much fun yesterday, too! You're one lucky mancat, Clemmie is such a little beauty.
OH Ben
Momma just wants to give you tummy rubs!
Oh that tummy is snorglicious!!
Hey Ben,,,
Our Momz is a big tummy kisser too, Lolly lovez it da best and Larry Hatez it .Larry don't wanna be held and hatez kisses, but mom don't care ! she doez it to him All the time ^~^
Tanx for comin to see uz and coming a member of our new family. and we'z all hopes Sparkle getz a home ... anyway tanx for comin by ^~^
Headbutts and licks to All ~
sunny,penelope,gabriel,lorelei,arrius & ana ~
Ben, we agree with your mommy :D
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie
Adorable to the max!
Your black-white belly is calling out for scritchies!!!!
~Slash & Bronzy
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