I read on the CB under Cat Events that Wednesday is Gingersday for all gorgeous ginger kitties. Well, I sure do have a fine looking ginger snap at my house...
Need proof?
gorgeous side view |
gorgeous straight-on |
gorgeous in motion |
Young Master Archie
So very handsome indeed Archie!!!
1000...1000 words in my mind but I just want to say " Archie, you are a Gorgeous Ginger !!! "
Yep, he definitely qualifies.
Gorgeous and handsome ginger boy!
Archie, I didn't know about Gingers Day! You ar a very fine specimen!
MOL! Great pictures!
Archie is so handsome. My sister Ginger says she is a gorgeous Ginger, but I've been trying to tell her it's not the same thing...
Archie is the real deal.
Archie you are a very handsome mancat ans an excellent specimen of a Ginger Cat.
A first class choice for Gorgeous Gingers Day.
Lovely Archie - mum wants to give you a cuddle.
GEEZE, WARN uSSSSS before you show all that cuteness!!!
Big smooches to gorgeous ginger Archie!
Yup, Archie, you are definitely ginger....a most handsome ginger. xxxxxxx
You gorgeous beautiful boy! MUAH! xoxoxox
I didn't know that Wednesday is Ginger day!! I've been robbed!!! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooom!!!!!!
Archie, you are a very handsome Ginger boy. Our mom loves the ginger kitties. We have four of them here. Good to see you Archie. Take care.
Archie is definitely a ginger kitty and very handsome! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Young master Archie - I could just eat up that ginger-ness. Do you know in all the time we've had cats and rescued cats, we've NEVER had a ginger. Guess I'll just have to slip over and take a peek when I need a fix.
Stunning, Archie! You're a fab model! Happy Gingersday!
You are gorgeous Archie!!! Ginger Poster Mancat!
We cross-posted to you today.
Love, TK and Squashies
What a beautiful kitty!
You certainly are a Most Gorgeous Gingersnap Indeed!
Sunny is Mom's first Gingersnap ^~^
Purrz & xoxoxo
yup a gorgeous gingersnap indeed. Just lovely.. Hugs GJ xx
Well, you know they say "the proof is in the pudding", and that certainly is one sweet puddin'!
I'd like a little taste of that!
Oh, yeah, we agree ... Archie is gorgeous from every angle, and every which way! :)
Happy Gingersday, friends!
YOu sure are some ginger gorgeousness!
Archie...you are one handsome ginger boy!! Almost as handsome as me!! ;)
Archie,Leo says you remind him of himself as a young mancat.He was a lady's man and we bet you are too!Such a handsome gentleman as yourself would have to be...
the critters in The Cottage
Archie, Archie, Archie ... I just want to snorgle you and your handsome self. Do I see a Cat Calendar entry in your future????????
Oh yeah, you're a pin-up kitty!
you are the purrfect poster kitty for "Ginger Day!"
He certainly is handsome! (Also, "ginger snap" made me giggle.)
You sure are one handsome ManCat Archie!!
He is one gorgeous ginger - I love the first photo he sooo knows he is gorgeous!
Thanks for stopping by my blog Cat is lovely to meet you :)
Oh, I just love Archie! He and my Noah could be brothers :o).
No, my little hearts were not filled with lavender, but this is a good idea. Thank you :o).
Take care
We got all kinds of cats here but no ginger ones! Can we borrow Archie sometimes?
Hi Eferybody ,,,
We jus popped (wanted to make sure we said popped not pooped) in to say we thinkz you guyz are really great and dat we haz somethin Special fur you,,, so if you would stopz by and pickz it up.
Purrrz ~
We love also real ginger cats
they are looking so cool :-)
Archie you are so lovely ....
Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<
What a lovely gingery cat and a special day for one, too!
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