We celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving back in October, but seeing as Jimmy is American by birth, we thought another thanksgiving post was in order. So on this special holiday I would like to say that I am thankful for all my good friends in the Cat Blogosphere, without whom I never would have met
Chrystal or adopted little Jimmy. I am so deeply thankful for ALL my wonderful kitties who bring joy into my life every single day!
Yesterday it was posted on the CB that Jimmy had won the draw for
Derry's Thankful Photo Contest Fundraiser and the prize was a fabulous selection of goodies paw-picked by the lovely Miss
Gracie! Well, being a youngster and never having won anything before, I must say Jimmy was thrilled when I told him.
See Jimmy's winning ribbon! |
However after a little thought Jimmy felt that in the spirit of Thanksgiving he would like to donate his toy winnings to some less fortunate kitties. He said that since he now had all the toys he could ever hope to play with, he would feel better if his prize went to some kitties who were still waiting for their forever homes! We contacted Gracie to see if that was okay. She thought it was a great idea and mentioned the CB's friends at
Santa Paws. I immediately sent an email over to them on Jimmy's behalf and I'm just waiting to hear back so I can give Gracie the details.
I would like to wish all my feline friends and their parents a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Jimmy! We think you're a very generous and sweet boy!
That's a wonderful gesture, Jimmy! We donated toys to Santa Paws, too, and there's one Canadian shelter on their list (one UK and one African, we think, as well as 3 U.S.). So it's a great cause to support!
Happy Thursday!
Happy Thankgiving Jimmy! We know you found a great forever home...
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Jimmy, I love your new name and you are so adorable! What a wonderful gesture to give back to others!
Much love,
Auntie Deb
Jimmy you are such a generous kitten! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family (even though it's not really Thanksgiving Day for you). It's a good day to eat turkey if you can get your paws on it!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! That sure was nice of Jimmy to donate his prize. What a beautiful and generous gesture.
Have a great day! We are truly grateful for your friendship.
That is so sweet of Jimmy! :)
That's a wonderful thing to do. It's great you adopted Jimmy and he has a new home.
Happy 2nd Thanksgiving!
Happy second Thanksgiving, and first one for Jimmy! That is super that his toys will go to some less fortunate kitties. Jave a great day!
We are thankful for furiends like you!! And what a nice thing for Jimmy to do. We know the shelter kitties will really appreciate his generosity!
Jimmy, you're such a giving kitty, so generous. I like your new name too.
Happy Thanksgiving to Jimmy and your new family too. That is such a great idea to give the toys to Santa Paws so that some shelter kitties can have a fun Christmas. We really like that idea. Hope you have a fun day.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Jimmy's first thanksgiving - we don't think he'll ever forget it. It's a lovely thought to give all those toys to less fortunate kitties.
YAY, we are finally able to leave a comment.....Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jimmy.....and a wonderfully happy day to all.
What a wonderful thing to do, Jimmy :). Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
What a wonderful thing to do! We think Jimmy is super sweet to donate toys to kitties who don't have forever homes.
How beautifully in the spirit of the day!
Jimmy, what a lil' philanthropist you are. We're proud of you, buddy.
OMC, what a great idea! Jimmy does have so much to be thankful for, and it's wonderful that he is giving back. Purrs and headbutts to him!
Happy Thanksgiving! We're so thankful for great furiends like you!!
Of course it's a great idea to celebrate twice! What a nice idea. We're having roast chicken tomorrow..
That sure was a fun photo contest. And Jimmy must be so happy that he won. I think it is so special that he want to . . . well . . . you know . . . I cannot say until you post.
You are such a sweetheart, handsome Jimmy!...Happy Thanksgiving precious friends; we hope you all enjoyed a lovely day togetherโฆkissesโฆCalle, Halle, Sukki
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!
Awwww ... Jimmy is so young and yet already he is showing the generosity of spirit of a much older cat. We are VERY proud of him. And in the pic ~ he looks just like a younger Alfie Marshall.
We hope Jimmy's ferst Thanksgiving day was awesome.
Jimmy is such a sweet little kitty and it is very thoughtful of both of you to give his toys to less fortunate kitties.
That is a wonderful thing to do Jimmy, you are truly a winner!
What a thoughtful thing to do Jimmy. You are a very kind boy.
Hi Jimmy. How nice of you to donate your winnings to the less fortunate - never forget your roots. You are now one of the lucky ones in an amazing home surrounded by love (and toys) for the rest of your life.
Hugs to all.
Jimmy, we are so thankful that you found such a wonderful furrever home, and think that it is so sweet of you to donate your toy winnings to less fortunate kitties, that makes us feel so warm and fuzzy!
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Oh my goodness, I'm sorry I'm so late visiting/commenting, but I just had to leave a message once I read this! Mr. Jimmy, you are a very lucky little boy - your new Canadian family celebrated our American Thanksgiving for you! And you are a very wise and kind boy, too, to realize you have it good and to want to give happiness to other kitties who are not as lucky. I have to admit, I was pouting when I found out my mom was giving those toys to the shelter kitties. Now that I've read your post, I realize I was being silly. You are a Good Boy.
Your friend, Zoe
These two posts on love, I love sheds
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