I have mentioned before Ben's love of scrunch balls; he can amuse himself with one of these colourful, crinkly treasures for ages! Casper is not interested in them at all and Archie usually just wonders what Ben is up to and will sometimes join him in batting one around but he gets bored with them very quickly and moves on to some other form of entertainment. Ben however has been devoted to scrunch balls since he was a wee kitten. I thought it would be funny to show you the progression of scrunch balls once Ben gets his paws on them.
brand new scrunch |
Scrunch after vigorous play |
end stage scrunch |
It is funny to note Ben's reaction to me photographing his scrunch balls. As I was arranging them on the dining room table he looked quite agitated.
Ben looking worried |
He jumped up to investigate what I was doing
Ben checks to make sure scrunch balls are ok |
Then he made off with the new scrunch in pristine condition
"come to papa" |
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wow! He certainly demolishes them! He is cute the way he was watching and then took the new ball.
Hahaha! We think that's quite funny, how he decimates them. We guess he must go through a lot of them, pretty quickly! :-D
MOL! Ben really likes his scrunch balls, doesn't he?
I guffawed at the "end stage scrunch"!! There's nothing left but a few wisps! Hysterical.
So now we know another thing Ben worries about: the state and/or location of his scrunch balls.
Cute! Love the "worried look" picture. My Lab is like that when I stitch up his squeaky toys.
Ben sure can do a number on those scrunchies though!
HAHA!! Ben sure loves those scrunch balls!! Maybe a little too much!!
That's funny!! Ben really does look worried! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
What a cute and funny boy you are, Ben!
Way to go Ben, looks like fun, I've never seen those before!
Ben You know how to play with those scrunch balls!
You're an expert!
Target does this with fabric hair bands. Aren't they cool?
So cute! Samson is also obsessed with what we call 'crinkly balls'. Maybe it's a tuxie thing!
Wow - Ben the Terminator (of scrunch balls) Love the look when you were photographing the scrunchies!
Oh my...those scrunch balls don't stand a chance at surviving long around Ben, do they? Brighton loves his tinsel puffballs and Coco sometimes pulls the tinsel out, but most of the time, they disappear under the fridge or stove...I am afraid to let them have hair bands after seeing over a dozen of them removed from a kitties stomach...
Ben is too adorable with his toy; so funny how he loves to totally destroy them!...Hope you all have a fun holiday weekend, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We have that same ball!! But it isn't quite in as many pieces... yet...
Obviously Ben did not want you messing with his scrunch balls!
Whoa!!! Ben-my-man, you are ONE MEAN SCRUNCHBALL KILLER!!! Dude!! Be my friend because I wouldn't want you to be my enemy!! Please! Lautrec
A lot of our toys end up looking that way too!
Those scrunch balls look such fun - we'll put them on our wish list! We laughed when Ben took off with the new shiny one!!
Wow! We love those crinkly balls too, but we have never been able to take one apart. Very impressive, Ben!
"Come to papa" comment is so funny :-)
Stopped over at the VSquillion shelter today and saw a message from you. Please email me at gracie1915@verizon.net and let me know one way or the other if you received your VSquillion. I am all caught up and hoping that it arrived safely. The mom here hasn't been working for me as the grandma has gone to heaven and she has been helping the dad and family. Let me know and I will send asap if it didn't arrive.
Poor scrunchies!!! Don't last long do they? We luff our Faery Cat nip hamsters. Very potent nip. Seriously.
Very funny. He does seem concerned with what you're doing with them :)
That Ben is such a worrier! He is adorable though :)
He was protecting wot's his, and that's sensible!
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